Optics, Early life, Mechanics and Gravitation, Late Life and Death
Born 16 of Jan., 1643 Lincolnshire, England 7-12 schooled at The King’s School Grantham 1661 admitted to Trinity College
lectured optics Investigated refraction of light Developed the first working reflection telescope Theorized that when light is scattered or bent it stays the same color
Studied 3 laws of motion Wrote book on laws of motion and mechanics Published July 5, 1687 Made clear his view that the sun is the center of the solar system
Isaac wrote interpretations on the meanings of bible stories 1689, 1690, and 1701 Newton was a legislator of England Elected president of royal society in 1703 Died March 31, 1727 Body had large amounts of mercury in it explanation of eccentricity in late life