Starting off: Week 1 Week 1 Engineering/Biology Introduction Lectures Journal Club WikiBrainstorming 3 ideas
Crazy Ideas Bio Hard Drive Cell Networking Bacterial balloon Biological to Electrical Interface Bio-Clock Bio Calculator Remote Controlled Bacteria
Only three ideas made the cut.
Bio-Clock (Re-defining Time) Pulse of AHL moves along a gutter of medium Cells fluoresce when activated Refractory period The time period is controlled by the radius gutter width cell density
Bio-Memory Data stored in bacteria written using a green laser Data read using a UV laser + fluorimeter Cells either 1 (RFP) or 0 (no RFP) Data stored in switch Very High Compression due to small size of bacteria
The Oscillator Changing Concentration of AHL Culture Wide oscillations of AHL Frequency must be tuned easily Oscillations must be stable
Week 2 Investigation of all 3 ideas Modelling Modelling Evaluating risks Evaluating risks Start work in the Wet lab Decision on the Oscillator as main project; can use other ideas as further developments Week 3 Further research Modelling Assembly of parts Protocols for testing parts Setting up OWW
Lotka-Voltarra Model output Predator Prey Dynamics Simply Make a Bio- chemical system that can do this.
Design A B A B Positive Feedback of A AB Induces production of more B Both A and B are used to make AB
Two Cell System Two independent populations of Cells These cells do not kill each other A B Altering the initial ratios of these cells will alter the frequency of oscillations
Design Cell1 (Prey) Prey cell must produce molecule A exponentially Pc Plux Lux R Lux I Pc is always on Lux R is produced which detects molecule A Then initiates transcription at Plux Which Produces More A A AAA
Design (isolated models) Modelling of Prey Cell (system 1)
Design (isolated models) Modelling of Prey Cell (system 1)
Design The Predator Cell The role of a predator is to reduce the prey numbers as a function of the predator population numbers. Predator Detect Prey Population Size Reduce Prey Population Size
Design Plux Lux RaiiA The Predator Cell Detects Prey Population Size Reduces Prey Population Size
Design Plux Lux RaiiA The Predator Cell A A LuxR A aiiA
Design (Entire System) Extra cellular pool of A (HSL) (this should oscillate) Diffusion Plu x Lux RaiiA The Predator Cell A A Lux R A aii A A PcPc Plu x Lux R Lux I A The Prey Cell
Modelling Tom’s Monster
Outline Further testing of parts Parts assembly …..
Thank you