1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Experimental Facilities John Hill Director, NSLS-II Experimental Facilities Division NSLS-II User Workshop July 17, 2007
2 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Novel features of Design The DBA-30 design has a number of novel features that offer a unique range of opportunities for our large, diverse community of users: Low emittanceUltra-high flux and brightness soft x-ray and High current, hard x-ray undulator sources long straights Damping wigglers Very intense broad band sources of hard x-rays Soft Bends Bright sources of soft x-rays Large gaps to provide excellent far-IR source. 3 Pole WigglersHigh-flux, bright sources of hard x-rays
3 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Radiation Sources: Brightness
5 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Three-pole Wigglers Added to provide hard x-ray dipoles without big impact on the emittance. Each BM port can either be a soft bend or a 3PW source ~15 3PWs would increase the emittance ~ 10% 2 mrad source
6 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Radiation Sources: Infra-Red Standard gap BMs provide excellent mid and near IR sources Large gap (90 mm) BMs provide excellent far-IR sources
7 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Electron Beam Size Type of source Low- straight section (6.6m) Hi- straight section (8.6m) 0.4T Bend magnet1T three-pole wiggler σ x [μm] ( )136 σ x ' [μrad] ( )14.0 σ y [μm] σ y ' [μrad] Truly tiny electron beams…
9 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Source Divergence vs. Photon Energy
10 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Heat Load Calculations Maximum thermal slope error in beam footprint = ±4 µrad (cf Darwin width of 31 rad) Undulator Calculations for worst case U14 superconducting undulator: 2σ beam, Total power = 92 W (filtered) Wiggler Maximum thermal slope error in beam footprint = ± 23 µrad Calculations for L=7m damping wiggler: 0.25 mrad, Total power = 1.8 kW (unfiltered) Power from the insertion devices is large, but it can be handled
11 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Experimental Floor 1 pentant (= 6 sectors) served by 1 LOB: 72 offices 6 labs (480 sf) Vibration studies (FEA) carried out to minimize sources and propagation of vibrations from ground up. Long beamlines would have hutches outside the experimental hall. BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES
12 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Vibration Suppression at NSLS-II Extensive FEA modeling of vibrations in facility underway (N. Simos) Goal is to: Understand site Mitigate external and internal sources Isolate sensitive beamlines Possible solutions: slab thickening, isolation joints, trenches… Studies indicate that cultural noise will be trapped by the floor Service Bldg
13 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II Beamlines 15 low- straights for user undulators Could potentially drive up to 30 beamlines by canting two undulators 4 high- straights for user undulators Could potentially drive up to 8 beamlines by canting two undulators 8 high- straights for user damping wigglers Could potentially drive up to 16 beamlines by canting two DWs 27 BM ports for UV and soft X-rays Up to 15 of these can have 3-pole wigglers to provide hard x-rays. 4 large gap BM ports for far-IR At least 58 beamlines More w/ multiple IDs per straight Multiple hutches per beamline are also possible
14 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Project Beamlines Project goal: To provide a minimum suite of insertion device beamlines to meet physical science needs that both exploit the unique capabilities of the NSLS-II source and provide work horse instruments for large user capacity. The beamlines are: Inelastic x-ray scattering (0.1 meV) Nanoprobe (1 nm) Soft x-ray coherent scattering and imaging Hard x-ray coherent scattering and SAXS Powder diffraction (damping wiggler source) EXAFS (damping wiggler source)
15 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Nanoprobe 10 nm 1 nm Mission Nanoscience: hard-matter Imaging, diffraction Capabilities 1nm, short working distance 10nm, larger working distance Possible remote hutch Source U19 in lo- straight* *A candidate for extended straight.
16 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Inelastic X-ray Scattering Mission Low energy modes in soft matter Phonons in small samples (Hi-P, single crystal..) Capabilities 0.1 meV, fixed energy 1.0 meV, fixed energy Source U19 in lo- straight* *A candidate for extended straight. 0.1 meV 1.0 meV
17 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Hard X-ray Coherent Scattering Mission Slow dynamics in soft matter Nanoscale imaging of hard matter time-resolved SAXS (biological processes) Capabilities XPCS/SAXS Coherent Diffraction Source U19 in hi- straight * *gap > 7mm Secondary optics Coherent Diffraction/SAXS XPCS
18 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Soft X-ray Coherent Scattering Mission Imaging of bio samples Hard matter, magnetic systems Capabilities Coherent imaging + microspectroscopy Coherent scattering Fast switching of polarization Source 2 x EPU 45 in lo- straight (canted at 0.25 mrad)
19 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Powder Diffraction Mission Materials Science time-resolved catalysis Capabilities 5-50 keV Analyser-mode and strip-detector mode Sample environments (high-P, low-T, high-T..) Source 3m damping wiggler in hi- straight BM hutch Powder-I Powder-II
20 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES XAFS Mission Environmental science, catalysis Materials science Capabilities Microprobe In-situ catalysis, controlled atmosphere Source 3m damping wiggler in hi- straight BM hutch EXAFS-I EXAFS-II
21 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Path Towards 1 nm Kinoforms =82 nm Refractive optic with minimal absorption E-beam at Lucent Etching at BNL (CFN) Achieved 82 nm Theoretical calculations show 1nm is possible Technical challenge in fabricating multiple lenses with sufficiently smooth walls. Multi-layer Laue Lenses =19 nm Thin film multilayers, sectioned for use as ZPs Pioneered at ANL Achieved 19 nm Theoretical calculations show that 1nm is possible. Technical challenge in fabricating thick MLs with atomically smooth layers.
22 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Path Towards 0.1 meV Asymmetric Optics acting as Dispersive Elements Y. Shvyd’ko et al PRL (2006) Energy resolution controlled with asymmetry parameter Achieve high energy resolutions at moderate photon energies (9 keV) Technical Challenges: Fabrication and mounting of large Si crystals Temperature stability E=9.1 keV E=2 meV
23 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Summary Conceptual design of accelerator has matured into an exciting design, promising superlative experimental capabilities. World-leading performance extends from the far-IR to the very hard x-ray. A range of sources will be available to match the various scientific needs. These include unprecedented energy and spatial resolution for hard x-ray beamlines and world-leading resolution and flux for soft x-ray beamlines. Project insertion device beamlines have been identified. User community to define the scientific mission of these beamlines. Looking forward to your input and feedback during the workshop.