Graduate School Advisory Council April 25, 2003
Dean’s Briefing The Responsive Ph.D. and Beyond: Moving Forward in a Time of Challenges I.University/Campus Content II.Graduate Education
Quality for Colorado Realizing Vision 2010 Vision 2010 drives three key planning concepts that help validate CU-Boulder’s Quality for Colorado initiative. Vision: Improve quality Strategy: Invest selectively Resources: Identify resources to support investment strategy
Vision: Improve Quality Keys to Quality –Invest in faculty Competitive salaries and benefits Start-up and matching funds –Improve student preparation Greater Selectivity Increased financial aid …Culture of Excellence…
Vision: Improve Quality Keys to quality (continued) –Provide necessary infrastructure for faculty and students to be successful Develop and renovate facilities Classroom technology and courseware support Library acquisitions Staff development and improved business operations Improved student support services Increasing Resources and Using Wisely…Integrated Infrastructure…
Strategy: Invest selectively… Strategy: Invest selectively… Core learning and academic community Diversity and campus community Large-class enhancements Writing program Libraries Undergraduate research Student advising Classroom technology Academic neighborhoods Student support services …Culture of Excellence…Diversity…Integrated Infrastructure…
Strategy: Invest selectively… Areas of academic distinction –Interdisciplinary CIRES, JILA, LASP, IBG, INSTAAR, ICS –Existing excellence Environmental sciences and sustainability Space and atmospheric sciences Natural sciences (physics, biology, chemistry) The American West Engineering …Culture of Excellence…University without walls…
Strategy: Invest Selectively Areas of academic distinction –Potential for greatness Information sciences/ATLAS Chemical and molecular bio-technology/bio- informatics/genomics Micro/nano-technology Neurosciences –Beneficial to Colorado …Culture of Excellence…University without Walls…
Resources: Identify resources to support investment strategies Tuition plans Phased increase to market level Differential school and college tuitions Fund-raising Endowment (chairs, financial aid, programs) Capital construction Improved cash management Enterprise development Manage balance sheet Increased Resources and Using Wisely…Integrated Infrastructure…
Challenges –Gain full approval of Quality for Colorado tuition and enrollment plan –Manage the current fiscal crisis to minimize impacts to learning process –Attain enterprise status –Keep faculty, staff, students, and supporters focused on quality improvements
Restricted funds include federal research grants and financial aid Auxiliaries include Housing, Athletics, Bookstore, UMC and other self- funded departments Tuition major operating revenue source: Undergraduate rates are $2776/yr for residents, $18,120 for non-residents 72% of total tuition revenues is from non-residents, who are 33% of enrollment CU-Boulder tuition and tax support/SFTE is $10,710 vs. the AAU public mean of $15,860 Campus Economics FY2003 Current Fund Revenues (beginning budget) Auxiliary, Sales & Services 13% ICR 5% Other 3% General Fund 12% Tuition & Fees 32% Gifts, Grants & Contracts 35% $737 M
With cuts $3,300
UCB Budget Reduction Update Over $30 million in budget cuts over 3 years (-36%) –FY02: $2 million –FY03: $11.5 million –FY04: $17 million (projected, and could increase) Reductions in FY02 and 03 have been identified Reductions for FY04 will be effective July 1 Magnitude of cuts to be made by campus units will be determined by: tuition rates, enrollments, and expenses Current planning at 2 times FY03 unit reductions ($12M)
Allocation of State Appropriated Revenues (Operating Budget)
State Tax Support Funding Levels
State Tax Support as a Percentage of Total Operating Revenues
A Fork in the Road The Investment Paradigm –UCB is a significant engine that will drive economic recovery & growth, and improve the quality of life for Coloradans –Investing in Boulder will pay back large dividends to the state The Entrepreneurial Paradigm –Recognize the states inability to provide more tax support –Grant us the autonomy and flexibility to raise other funds, and encourage institutional entrepreneurship
Changing Pace… New faces in the Graduate School Adrian Del Caro – Interim Associate Dean and Interim Associate Vice Chancellor for Graduate Education Tony Barker – Associate Vice Chancellor for Research Joe Rosse – Director, Office of Research Integrity Lisa Hutton – Executive Assistant to the Dean/Vice Chancellor for Research
Responsive Ph.D. – Four Pillars New paradigms –interdisciplinarity –scholar as citizen New practices –Professional development inside and outside the academy New people –Diversity in all dimensions New partnerships
Carnegie Initiative on the Doctorate Complements Responsive Ph.D. - Responsive Ph.D. looks broadly across university - Carnegie Initiative looks deeply into discipline: how do you education the future “scholars of the discipline”?
Carnegie Initiative Four to six departments nationally in four disciplines CU applied in Chemistry and Education –CU has two Carnegie Departments Education – how to strengthen the core of doctoral education Chemistry – how Chemistry as a core discipline reaches out and informs interdisciplinary problems
GSAC Goes National! Scott Winston presented keynote talk at NSF Workshop on Professional Master’s Degrees, November 2001 Carol Winston gave a presentation at Council of Graduate Schools Annual Meeting on Role of Volunteers, December 2002 Jay Littlepage gave a presentation at AAAS Annual Meeting in a Symposium on “Graduate Education: Building for the Future” titled “Graduate Education from the Perspective of Industry”, February 2003
Professional Master’s Degrees Enrollment in Master’s programs growing Responds to same four pillars articulated by Responsive Ph.D. National visibility through Sloan Foundation Professional Science Masters
What is a “Professional Master’s”? “Stand-alone” degree not leading to a Ph.D. Designed to train students for a specific profession or group of related professions Typically designed and implemented with input from the profession Often thought of as analogous to an MBA (in contrast to MS in Business) See
Recent Developments Fall 2001 CGS expands Sloan Initiative to “Master’s Focused” institutions Fall 2001 NSF Workshop on Professional Master’s Spring 2002 Ford Foundation funds CGS to explore Professional Master’s in traditional social sciences disciplines Spring 2003 NSF responds to recommendations of workshops and begins to develop program.
Recommendations from NSF Workshop Must have participation from relevant employment sector Must include a plan for ultimate sustainability (beyond NSF funding) Include plan for recruitment of under represented groups Use training grant (e.g. IGERT) model; incorporate distance education when appropriate
Recommendations from NSF Workshop Priority to programs which incorporate interdisciplinary experience and/or professional development activities (note parallels to “Four Pillars”)
What Exists at CU – Boulder? Engineering Management Interdisciplinary Telecommunications Museum and Field Studies Language pedagogy tracks in several departments Optical Science and Engineering –Embedded in IGERT, so not antithetical to Ph.D education
In Near Future: Concurrent MA/MBA could be refined Certificates could become degrees –e.g. Applied Behavioral Science Environmental Policy (already happening) Remote Sensing
Barriers: –CCHE –Faculty time and interest –Need entrepreneurial model of financing and instruction