Process capability Baseline Presented by Basker George
Baseline Specification ( 规格 ) or Product ( 乘积 ) that has been formally ( 形式上 ) reviewed and agreed upon, that serves as the basis ( 基础 ) for further development.
Process Assets( 资产 ) In case future projects are similar to the previous projects, the projects modules called project assets can be reused. The following assets are collected & reused through a separate system.
Process Assets Project management plan Configuration management plan Schedule Standards, checklists, guidelines, templates & other aids( 帮助 ) Developed tools & related tools Training materials Other documents that could be reused by future projects
Process Assets Links to process assets are maintained in the process database. The process assets are maintained as separate files General purpose check-list, templates, forms, standards & other documents that are part of quality system are form of process assets. They are available online through web- based system.
Body of Knowledge( 知识 ) Body of Knowledge (BOK) is a Knowledge Management System to leverage ( 杠杆作用 ) the collective experience to their employees. The knowledge is organized by different topics
Body of Knowledge Key topics in BOK include: Human resource development Computer & communication services Requirement Specification Build Tools Methodologies / Techniques
Body of Knowledge Education & Research Other facilities Design Review / Inspection & Testing Quality assurance & Productivity Project Management
Process Capability Baseline It represents the capability of the process in quantitative terms It is nothing but the range of results that can be expected if the process is followed. The focus of baseline is primarily on quality & productivity.
Process Capability Baseline The PCB at INFOSYS specifies the following: Delivered Quality Productivity Schedule Effort Distribution( 配给物 ) Defect injection rate In process defect removal efficiency Defect distribution
Baseline Creation A process baseline represents the expected outcome by following the trail ( 踪迹 ) of the process. Some important Definitions: Productivity: is defined in terms of function point Quality: Delivered defects per function point
Baseline Creation Defect Injection Rate: total no of defects injected during the life cycle of project. Overall Defect Removal efficiency: The percentage of total defects that are detected inside the process.
Baseline Creation F=Size of software in function points E=Total effort spent in the project D 1 =Total number of defects found during development. D 2 =Total no of defects found after delivery D=D 1 +D 2 Productivity = E/F Quality=D 2 /F Defect Injection Rate= D/F Overall Defect Removal efficiency = D 1 /D
Process Capability Baseline for 3GL for Development Project Sl # MetricRemarkGeneral Baseline 1Delivered Quality Delivered defects/FP (delivered defects=AT +warranty defects) defects/FP(avg: 0.06 defects/FP) 2Productivity1 person-month=8.5 person-hours X 22 days=187 person hours 4-18 FP/person- month(avg: 10FP/person- month)
Sl#MetricRemarkGeneral Baseline 3Schedule 85% of projects delivered on time. All projects should aim for delivery on time 4 Effort 4.1Effort ratios Simple is <=0.6 Medium is = 1.0 Complex is >= Average built effort Average built effort for medium should be 4-6 person-days
Sl # Metric RemarkGeneral Baseline 4.3 Effort Distribu tion RA=Requirement Analysis DE=design BD=Build(code+CWT+unit testing) TT=Integration +System Testing AW=AT+warranty PM=Project management CM=Configuration Management TR=Training OT=Others Min-Mid-Max RA+DE=17%-20%-24% BD=34%-38%-42% TT=7%-10%-13% AW=2%-4%-6% PM+CM=7%-8%-10% TR=6%-8%-10% OT=9%-12%-15%
Sl # MetricRemarkGeneral Baseline 5.0 Defects defects/FP 5.1 Defects Injection Rate (avg:0.95 defects/FP;around 0.05 defects/person-hour) 5.2 In-process defect removal efficiency 90%-95%(avg:93%) 6 Defect distribution Requirement specification Review+HLD review+ detailed design review+ CWT+ Unit testing Integration+ system+ Acceptance Testing Percentage of total defects 15% - 70% 50% -70% 5% - 10%
FP/PERSON-MONTH Productivity of development Projects
Process Improvement & Analysis The PCB is used to compare previous years PCB to analyze quality & productivity. The PCB is also used to analyze defect injection rate. In general, If performance parameter differs dramatically, then attempt is made to identify the causes. PCB is also used in Process Improvement Planning.