Begin With The End In Mind
Newspaper Activity Five years from now, your local paper does a story about you and they want to interview the person who you are closest to – a parent, a brother or sister, a friend, a boyfriend or girlfriend. What would you want them to say about you? Write the article that would be found in the newspaper along with a picture or illustration of you and paste the sheet in your booklet. Example headline – Family and friends declare: “Gr-r-eat guy!”
Friends and Family Declare: “Great Guy!” Ralph has accomplished a lot of his goals in the last five years. His friends and family have said that it was not easy but Ralph worked very hard. First, Ralph was determined to graduate from Leo Hayes High School with honors and he did this. He had some struggles with math but he did not give up on his goal. He went to extra help and had a tutor help him to get his mark up to where he wanted it. Second, Ralph always dreamed of backpacking through Europe and he did this the summer after graduating. He saved up from his part time job in high school and got to spend two months travelling from country to country on his savings…