September 29 September 29, 2014 English 3
Bell Ringers Edit for semicolons, commas, and hyphens. Hyphen Rule: Use a hyphen between two or more adjectives that function as a one-word, single-thought adjective. ▪ You may turn in your book reports on Thursday September 14 Friday September 15 Monday September 18 or Tuesday September 19. ▪ The winners of the regional science fair were Anya Garcia who came in first Jeff Ford who came in second and Alberto Robinson who came in third. ▪ On our backpacking trip to Eastern Europe we hope to visit Prague Czech Republic Budapest Hungary Bucharest Romania and Krakow Poland. ▪ We admired the atrium’s flowering vines rock formations and fountains and then we stepped out into the courtyard followed the flagstone path and crossed the bridge over the goldfish pond.
Scarlet Letter—Quiz Quiz 1. What does Hester see as her “crime to be most repented of”? 2. What is Dimmesdale’s initial reaction when Hester reveals Chillingworth’s true identity? 3. What does Hester suggest Dimmesdale do to get out from Chillingworth’s thumb? 4. After talking to Chillingworth, what does Hester believe her real crime was? 5. According to Dimmesdale, who is the “biggest” sinner and why? 6. What happens when Hester removes the scarlet letter and her cap? 7. What does Pearl require the minister do to prove his love for her?
Scarlet Letter discussion What does the forest represent? Why is it appropriate that Hester and Dimmesdale meet in the forest instead of in town? What is Hester casting off when she removes the scarlet letter? What happens to Hester when she takes off the letter? When Hester discards the letter, it falls just short of the little brook. Why do you think Hawthorne chooses to have the letter fall beside the brook rather than into it? What is ironic about the title for chapter 17? What pathetic fallacy do you find in chapter 18, when Hester and Dimmesdale are united? Why do you think Pearl is so upset to find that Hester has removed the scarlet letter from her dress?
Find other people with the same symbol you drew last Tuesday or Thursday (circle, hexagon, etc.) With the other members of your group, complete the character dialectical journal. Follow the model Ms. Botts completes on the board. The Crucible