ELMS 8th Grade Science Lesson Mrs. Yoder Science Lead Teacher Lincoln County Schools
8.L.1 Understand the structure and hazards caused by agents of disease that effect living organisms. 8.L.1.1 Summarize the basic characteristics of viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites relating to the spread, treatment and prevention of disease. 8.L.1.2 Explain the difference between epidemic and pandemic as it relates to the spread, treatment and prevention of disease.
Desired Outcomes: Investigate the difference in epidemic and pandemic diseases. Explain how epidemic and pandemic diseases affect a population
Build on prior knowledge Agents of infectious disease
Agree/Disagree handout
Pandemics take weeks or even months to develop. A pandemic is caused by a virus; and epidemic is caused by a strain of bacteria. Pandemics spread by contact with body fluids of another person. Air travel has made pandemics more prevalent and can hurt local economies. Pandemics kill everyone affected by the disease. War zones are breeding grounds for infectious diseases. Antigenic shift is when the virus “hides” in a persons immune system.
Pandemics take weeks or even months to develop. A pandemic is caused by a virus; and epidemic is caused by a strain of bacteria. Pandemics spread by contact with body fluids of another person. Air travel has made pandemics more prevalent and can hurt local economies. Pandemics kill everyone affected by the disease. War zones are breeding grounds for infectious diseases. Antigenic shift is when the virus “hides” in a persons immune system.
Def: Pic Ex: Non-Ex
Bubonic PlagueSmallpox 1918 Influenza Pandemics Add key details from articles
Two minute essay: Tell me what you know about the difference in pandemic and epidemic in 2 minutes.