Western Brownfield Tyishia Woods Avrielle Roberson Larry McNeil
South Oak Dodge S. Western, Chicago Heights, IL.
Lat. & Long. ( degrees) Lat: 41’ 30’. 719” N Long: 87’40’27.163” W
How many acres? Approximately 80 acres
Potential Pollutants Benzene, toluene, Ethyl Benzene PCB’s may be present
Who Owns the Site? Chicago Heights
Records in Review Went to Court Chicago Heights Vs. Kam Realty Development To find out who owns the land August 2005, property was foreclosed
Brownfield/ Development Plan ? Yes, this property is a Brownfield. Yes, there is a commercial plan.
Site Map Utilities
Phase I ESA Environmental Site Assessment
Purpose Provide a professional opinion on the potential current presence of REC’s at the subject property, including potential impacts from known problems in the surrounding area.
Detailed Scope-of-Service Conducted a data Base Reviewed geological maps Researched history Interviewed property owners Conducted a site reconnaissance for evidence Contacted local agencies Evaluated information
Significant Assumptions No significant assumptions other than those described below in the following section apply to this phase I ESA.
Limitations and Exceptions Conducted by URS is limited to services agreed to with the City of Chicago Heights, and no other services beyond those explicitly stated should be inferred or implied.
Special Terms and Conditions NONE
User Reliance This report shall not be relied on or transferred to any other party without authorization of URS
Location and Legal Description South Western Avenue owned by the city of Chicago Heights Since January 2006 Identification # =
Subject Property and Vicinity Characteristics Commercial area consisted of 8 acres
Physical Settings Comprised of glacial soils Flat Located 1.5 miles west of Thorn Creek
Descriptions of Structures, Roads, and Other Improvements Irregularly shaped, vacant improved with asphalt paving light fixtures
Current Adjoining Property Uses North of Shurgard Self Storage facility East vacant property South vacant shopping center West Currie Motors car Dealership
Title Records URS subcontracted Ginocchio Enterprises, inc. to conduct a 50 year title search for recorded environmental cleanup liens for the subject property.
Environmental Liens Use Limitations No information regarding the existence of environmental liens associated with the subject property.
Specialized Knowledge No specialized knowledge was conveyed.
Owner, Site Manager, and Occupant Information According to information provided by Mr. Santori, the subject property was obtained for back taxes and was historically used as an auto dealership.
Reason for Conducting Phase I ESA The City of Chicago Heights indicated that this Phase 1 ESA was requested in connection with a USEPA Brownfield's Assessment Grant
Other Information URS has not provided any other user provided information or previous environmental investigation reports for the subject property
Standard Environmental Records Two regulatory data base search report was prepared on August 23, 2006
Additional Environmental Records URS conducted file reviews or interviews at applicable state municipal and county offices etc.
Historical Use Copies of potential research documents reviewed and discussed are presented in appendix F.
Aerial Photographs Short Brief: Covered the subject property for the years 1952, 1967, 1974, 1988, and 1994
Topographic Maps Summarize Brief :covered the years 1901, 1929, 1963, 1973, 1993, and 1998
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps Brief summary USR ordered Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps for the subject property from EBR
City Directories EDR reported that there was no city directory coverage for the location of the subject property
Methodology and Limiting Conditions Mr. Ronald Short of URS conducted a site reconnaissance of the subject property on august 25, Mr. Short was not accompanied by anyone representing the subject property during the site reconnaissance.
Interior and Exterior Observations The subject property consists of an irregularly shaped parcel which occupies an area approx. 8 acres in size.
Hazardous Substances and Petroleum Products No chemicals were observed on the subject property. Evidence of staining was observed on the ground.
Underground/ Aboveground Storage Tanks No evidence of underground or aboveground storage tanks (UST’s or ASTs) was observed by URS during the site reconnaissance.
PCB-Containing and Hydraulic Equipment A pad- mounted electrical transformer with staining, and hydraulic car lifts were observed adjacent to and within the foundation of the former auto dealership.
Solid and Hazardous Wastes None
Drains and Sumps Storm drains were observed in the asphalt paved areas of the subject property and what appeared to be the remains of floor drains were observed in the old building foundation.
Waste Water None
Utilities Not connected to any active utilities.
Wells No evidence of wells observed on the subject property
Pits, Ponds, Lagoons None
Other Physical Evidence of Contamination URS did not observe any other physical evidence of contamination on the subject property or adjacent properties during the site reconnaissance.
Conclusions Property is listed in the UST database as having 550-gallon used oil UST 8 hydraulic car lifts in were not noted within the foundation former car dealership Stains were noted on the ground on north side of the building and near the mounted transformer
Environmental Professionals Involved Developed and performed the all appropriate inquires in conformance with the standards and practices set forth in 40 CFR part 312 Ronald W. Short: senior Technician/Inspector Sarah Rubin: Project Manager