Timo Ajaste Chief Superintendent Ministry of the Interior Police Department Finland Comment on European Commission activities on Enforcement - COMISSION RECOMMENDATION on enforcement in the field of road safety
EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM A Introduction: European Road Safety Action Program the behaviour of road users vehicle safety Improvent of road infrastructure Speeding Drink-driving Non-use of seat belt Timo Ajaste Chief Superintendent Ministry of the Interior Police Department Finland
EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM B Situation in the member states: Harmonisation of the rules less road casualties Traffic Enforcement Education, Training and Information Drugs-driving Timo Ajaste Chief Superintendent Ministry of the Interior Police Department Finland
EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM C. A coherent Enforcement Package for the European Union: Commercial road transport Drink-driving/Finland SUN countries Timo Ajaste Chief Superintendent Ministry of the Interior Police Department Finland
SPEEDING Best practices: Automated speed enforcement: motorways, secondary roads, urban roads stretches of roads where non- compliance occurs regularly increased risk of accidents Timo Ajaste Chief Superintendent Ministry of the Interior Police Department Finland
SPEEDING II Procedures to cope with a large number of violations - all speeding violations are followed up Timo Ajaste Chief Superintendent Ministry of the Interior Police Department Finland
DRINK-DRIVING Best practices: Random breath testing with screening devices - in places where and at times when non-compliance occurs regularly increased risk of accidents The use of evidential breath test devices Timo Ajaste Chief Superintendent Ministry of the Interior Police Department Finland
SEAT BELT USE Best practices: Intensive enforcement actions - 3 x at least two weeks / year - in places where non-use occurs regularly - non-use is observed + car is stopped enforcement action - combination actions are OK Timo Ajaste Chief Superintendent Ministry of the Interior Police Department Finland
ANNEX I The national enforcement plan II Information to be communicated following recommendation 12 Timo Ajaste Chief Superintendent Ministry of the Interior Police Department Finland
Timo Ajaste Chief Superintendent Ministry of the Interior Police Department Finland