The White Paper and School Improvement Regional HOSI Meetings December 2010 Presentation to Governors
School-driven Self-improving Devolved funding Less intervention Less paperwork...but sharp accountabilities A new approach to school improvement School-driven Self-improving Devolved funding Less intervention Less paperwork...but sharp accountabilities
High quality recruits Training more focused on classroom skills Network of teaching schools More freedoms to manage performance Double NLEs and LLEs Cut bureaucracy Teaching and leadership
Increased powers for teachers Anonymity for accused teachers Authority to enforce discipline beyond school gates Fresh approach to: Response to prejudice Appeal process when pupils commit serious crimes PRUs Permanent exclusions Behaviour
Slimmer knowledge-based National Curriculum Phonics screening check at age 6 Assessment reviews The English Baccalaureate Review of vocational education International benchmarking Curriculum, assessment and qualifications
Academies get back old freedoms All schools can now become academies Lowest attainers and outstanding schools first The formation of Free Schools Strategic role for LAs New schools system
A more strategic role Champion for parents and families Champion of vulnerable pupils Champion of Educational Excellence Provision of places, fair admissions and transport No more SIPs – greater choice about how school improvement role is undertaken Intervening where there is clear underperformance and raising alert in case of Academies & Free Schools Can request Ofsted inspection Role of LA
More accountability to parents, less to Government Transparent data including online tool for parents Governors better equipped to challenge Focus on core educational business Steep proportionality of inspection Accountability
New basics measure for English, maths and science The English Baccalaureate Heightened profile for: Progression Pupil Premium Lowest 20% Review of vocational qualifications Performance tables
Floor standards New floors based on attainment and progression Fairer to schools – recognises prior low attainment can be a factor Funding approach being finalised but likely to be small amount of funding for both LAs and schools End of centrally-driven strategies School-to-school support
School Improvement - below floor Relentless and robust focus on underperformance New, higher a more sophisticated floor ‘standards’ Strong presumption of conversion to Academy with a sponsor for the worst performers Building capacity in the system to– National Teaching Schools and National/Local Leaders of Education
Too much variation in per-pupil funding in past Pupil Premium Consultation on a national funding formula Maximum devolution of funds to front line A much less bureaucratic approach to capital School funding
A lot of the current infrastructure will end at Easter LA intervention work in future will be focused on schools below the floor Greater choice about improvement work above the floor working together with schools There will still be a market for School Improvement Implications for our work in North Lincolnshire
- Removal of SIPs from January - Small number of SLAs offered - Annual Conversations? - Monitoring of Standards Approaches? - Commissioning Training is underway - Service reshape will be necessary North Lincolnshire Update