Back to School Night Mrs. Waytowich Grade Two
Attendance If your child is going to be absent, please notify the office at If you would like your child ' s class work and / or homework for the day, please let the office know when you call in the morning and I will have it ready for you to pick up at the end of the day.
Be a Guest I welcome you to visit our class as our guest. You may share a story, teach a skill, or create a craft with the children. I ask that only one representative per child sign up. Once you have signed up I will contact you at the beginning of that month with a definite time (30 minutes ) and date. Sign up chart is on board.
simple and healthy treat ( no nuts ) No home baked goods only store bought with the label still in tact easily distributed by your child 22 children drop off See yellow letter for guidelines Birthdays
Book Orders Scholastic Books, Inc. HOWEVER, PARTICIPATION IS NOT MANDATORY !! Checks ( not cash ) payable directly to Scholastic Books or order online with code : DX 9 YR
Communic ation Homework Notebook Leave a note in planner
Dismissal If your child will be leaving earlier than usual, please send in a note with your child so I can have them ready.
Flat Stanley Will begin reading in class. Individual “ Stanleys ” will be sent home Mail to friend or family member ( hopefully out of state ) They take pictures with him, write about experience, and mail him back Children share with the class
Home Reading Daily reading is a crucial part of becoming a fluent, confident reader. 20 minutes a day ! Record and sign Home Reading Record.
Homework reading, math, and word study special subjects ( language arts, science, and social studies ) on occasion
Homework Planners Your child will copy their homework every day in their planner. Please check and initial their homework pad to be sure they have completed all necessary assignments. Please note there is a home school communication section where we may leave notes for each other.
Math Facts Please help your child spend five to ten minutes a day reviewing their math facts. * educational apps * websites * computer games * flash cards We have timed tests twice a week to help improve accuracy and fluency.
Peanut / Nut Free Classroom Please do not send in any snacks that contain peanuts / nuts.
Pictur e Day 2 W will be having Picture Day on Monday, September 29 th !
Reading Workshop Reading Workshop is the time of day when children can read, be read to, share and discuss books. * small group instruction * whole class activities * teacher read aloud * independent silent reading * partner reading, etc.
Snack We will have a working snack in second grade. Please adhere to the school guidelines of sending in a healthy snack and drink.
Specials Schedule Monday - Music with Miss Arslanyan Tuesday - Health with Mrs. Hirsch or Guidance with Mrs. Barnette Wednesday - Technology / Media with Mrs. Schollin Thursday - Art with Mr. Smith Friday - Physical Education with Mr. Van Buren ** Wear sneakers
Survey Please complete the attached surveys, Tell Me about Your Child and Important Information, and return them to me as a soon as possible. I look forward to your input on your child !
Word Study / Words Their Way Word study is phonics, spelling, word recognition, and vocabulary instruction which focuses on the individual learner. We will begin program shortly. There will be daily homework.
Writing Workshop Children will learn to grow and develop as writers through various instructional practices. They will write from their own experiences and eventually self - edit and publish their stories.
Thank you for coming ! Sign in at the door. Please leave a note for your child ! Try to solve the puzzle ! Complete and return Tell Me About Your Child and Important Informationy. Take the folder and puzzle from your child ’ s desk. Sign up to Be A Guest !