November & December 2008 Laura Kintz. Kimberly Miles, & Christie Petersen
A core program is the “base” reading program designed to provide instruction on the essential areas of reading for the majority of students schoolwide. In general, the core program should enable 80% or more of students to attain schoolwide reading goals. Kamenui & Simmons
To optimize program effectiveness: Implement the program everyday with fidelity (the way it was written, the five big ideas) Deliver the instruction clearly, consistently, and explicitly (model skills and strategies) Provide scaffolded support to students (give extra support to students who need it) Provide opportunities for practice with corrective feedback (maximize engagement and individualize feedback)
Theme Skills Overview Daily Lesson Plans
Instructional recommendations? (number of intensive, strategic, benchmark) Walk to read? Self-contained classroom?
90 minute reading block 30 minutes whole group 60 minutes small group (20 minutes each for 3 groups)
90 – 120 minute literacy block 45 minutes whole group at the beginning of the literacy block 45 – 60 minutes small groups 10 – 30 minutes whole group at the end of the block – partner reading, strategy or skill closure Every day – students reading aloud, vocabulary, skill work, writing in response to reading Student needs drive the model!
Whole group: 30 – 60 minutes Small Group 30 – 60 minutes Small Group Independent Work (10 – 30 minutes) Another Whole Group Session or Extra Practice (10 – 30 minutes)
Before or after whole group? 3 Classes: Intensive, strategic, benchmark 2 Classes: Intensive-low strategic and strategic-benchmark
Picture Words (Tier 3) briefly explain/show picture Deep concept words (Tier 2) lots of time! Well-known words (Tier 1) no need Spend time on deep concept words in whole group. 2 – 3 words per day, everyday Multiple exposures – example/non example, visual representations, concrete objects, actions/facial expressions, deep processing questions
Most students should have some access to anthology story. Read along with CD whole group or Teacher reads aloud Pause and model strategies phonics-decoding, monitor-clarify, summarize, question, predict-inferwith think-alouds (CD or teacher led) Model-Guided Practice, Feedback-Application
Instructional Focus Groups based on data (DIBELS, weekly skills tests, phonics decoding screener, intervention placement tests) Skills practice – introduced whole group, more practice and feedback in small group, check on vocabulary log, workbook pages Read aloud to teacher with instruction/feedback imbedded Intensive – every day 30 minutes Strategic – every day 20 – 30 minutes Benchmark – everyday 10 minutes or 3 times a week for 20 minutes Flexible grouping!
Students work on vocabulary logs, activities and workbook pages that have been introduced and scaffolded Must tie into small group (differentiated, not all students will have the same independent work)
Additional spelling words- Online assessment system, test generator My Computer,T-drive, Reading, Houghton Mifflin, Lesson Planner