S.P. Jamison Femtosecond resolution bunch profile diagnostics ASTeC STFC Daresbury Laboratory, UK S.P. Jamison / Ditanet conference/ Nov 9-11, 2011
Femtosecond longitudinal diagnostics Light sources: Free electron Lasers kA peak currents required for collective gain 200fs FWHM, 200pC (…2008 standard) 10fs FWHM, 10pC (2008… increasing interest) Verification of optics Machine tune up Machine longitudinal feedback (non invasive) Particle physics: Linear colliders (CLIC, ILC) Short bunches, high charge, high quality, for luminosity ~300fs rms, ~1nC stable, known (smooth?) longitudinal profile Diagnostics needed for… Significant influence on bunch profile from Wakefields, space charge, CSR, collective instabilities… Machine stability & drift must be single shot diagnostic S.P. Jamison / Ditanet conference/ Nov 9-11, 2011
“Radiative” Techniques CTR, CDR, CSR (spectral characterisation) Smith Purcell Electro-optic Direct Particle Techniques Transverse deflecting cavities (t) (x’) (x) RF zero-phasing (t) ( ) (x) Two distinct classes of diagnostics (t) (x) transverse imaging Spectral domain Time domain Electro-optic optical replica CTR, CDR (autocorrelation) (t) (t) …. propagating & non-propagating Grouped by similar physics and capabilities/limitations S.P. Jamison / Ditanet conference/ Nov 9-11, 2011
Cavity: Transverse kick beam optics : Transverse streak initial bunch Diagnostic capabilities linked to beam optics Time resolution scaling deflection gradient Rohrs et al. Phys Rev ST (2009) FLASH : 27 fs resolution - Transverse deflecting cavities S.P. Jamison / Ditanet conference/ Nov 9-11, 2011
z-dependent acceleration cavitybeam optics energy dispersion screen transverse profile initial bunch Introduce energy chirp to beam Measure energy spread infer initial bunch profile gradient of energy gain dispersion of spectrometer initial energy spread time resolution dependent on initial –z correlation? RF zero phasing S.P. Jamison / Ditanet conference/ Nov 9-11, 2011
energy (time ) inferred current profile Graves et al. PAC’01 RF zero-phasing examples time resolution of 8 fs LCLS, at ~ 9 GeV 550m of linac at RF zero crossing! 6m dispersion Huang et al PAC 2011 DUV-FEL: 75 MeV 1um = 3 fs rms bunch length S.P. Jamison / Ditanet conference/ Nov 9-11, 2011
“Radiative” techniques Cause bunch to radiate coherently `Propagate’ to observation position Measure spectrum, intensity time profile Infer back to charge density Dispersion Attenuation Diffraction… detector response missing phase information emission response phase matching Techniques & limitations CSR/CTR : propagation effects; detector response; missing phase CDR : as for CSR/CTR; plus emission response Optical Replica: emission response (? Radiating undulator) Electro-optic: detector response S.P. Jamison / Ditanet conference/ Nov 9-11, 2011
Time response & Spectrum of field dependent on spatial position: t ~ 2R/c Ultrafast time resolution needs close proximity to bunch (equally true of CDR, Smith-Purcell, Electro-optic etc) Field at Source 20 fs = 1000 Field radiated or probed related to Coulomb field near electron bunch S.P. Jamison / Ditanet conference/ Nov 9-11, 2011
More than octave spanning in frequency Short wavelengths describe the fast structure long wavelengths needed for bunch reconstruction Coherent diffraction radiation Coherent transition radiation Coherent synchrotron radiation Smith-Purcell radiation Far-IR/mid-IR spectrum Bunch form factor Spectral domain techniques Simplicity (not always!) Empirical machine information, real time Information on fast and slow structure For: Against: No explicit time profile (but reconstruction may be possible) Significant calibration issues S.P. Jamison / Ditanet conference/ Nov 9-11, 2011
Wesch, Schmidt, FEL 2010 example: single shot CTR spectrometer at FLASH cascaded dispersive grating elements, and pyroelectric detector arrays Deflecting cavity bunch profiles Measured & calculated spectra spectrometer & detector response S.P. Jamison / Ditanet conference/ Nov 9-11, 2011
Transfer function must be known (from calculation or experiment) Time domain Reconstruction….missing phase reconstructed original >100 m missing >400 m missing phase to be inferred (via K-K relations) O. Grimm Tesla-Fel Form factor is analytic => real and imaginary parts linked (Kramers-Kronig relations) Inversion is possible, but requires… full spectral information … absence of zeros in spectrum… S.P. Jamison / Ditanet conference/ Nov 9-11, 2011
Kramers-Kronig Phase Reconstruction... An example from APS... interferometer data......intensity spectrum......Kramer-Kronig phase retrieval......inferred bunch profile. Lumpkin et al, FEL 2005 Personal view Reconstruction can work but… Can be very sensitive to data Extrapolations to low frequency (lost through propagation) Detector response errors S.P. Jamison / Ditanet conference/ Nov 9-11, 2011
Optical Replica Synthesiser Superimpose optical wavelength structure on bunch Laser driven I-FEL interaction + R56 Generate optical radiation in few-period radiating undulator Ultrafast laser diagnostics for optical temporal characterisation (autocorrelation, FROG, SPIDER, …) - Observed time-scanned signal [Angelova et al, PRST-AB 11, (2008) ] - Obtained FROG signals -…. Single shot temporal profiles..? FLASH experiments Temporal resolution will be limited by number of radiator periods ( N= 5 -> 12fs) From Zeimann et al, PRST 2009 S.P. Jamison / Ditanet conference/ Nov 9-11, 2011
Coulomb spectrum shifted to optical region Coulomb pulse replicated in optical pulse envelopeoptical field Electro-optic diagnostics Time domain or spectral domain versions…. ….same underlying physics, but different practicalities S.P. Jamison / Ditanet conference/ Nov 9-11, 2011
Electro-Optic Techniques... Spectral Decoding Spatial Encoding Temporal Decoding Spectral upconversion** Variations in read-out of optical temporal signal o Chirped optical input o Spectral readout o Use time-wavelength relationship o Ultrashort optical input o Spatial readout (EO crystal) o Use time-space relationship o Long pulse + ultrashort pulse gate o Spatial readout (cross-correlator crystal) o Use time-space relationship o monochomatic optical input (long pulse) o Spectral readout o **Implicit time domain information only S.P. Jamison / Ditanet conference/ Nov 9-11, 2011
(2) ( thz, opt ) opt + thz convolution over all combinations of optical and Coulomb frequencies Electro-optic detection bandwidth thz opt opt - thz opt description of EO detection as sum- and difference-frequency mixing THz spectrum (complex) propagation & nonlinear efficiency geometry dependent (repeat for each principle axis) optical probe spectrum (complex) EO crystal This is “Small signal” solution. High field effects c.f. Jamison Appl Phys B (2008) S.P. Jamison / Ditanet conference/ Nov 9-11, 2011
Generating an optical replica of a Coulomb field pulse… Longitudinal Position, z Laser co-propagating with Coulomb pulse Free-spaceElectro-optic crystal 300 um Coupling of Coulomb pulse into non-linear material Distortion of Coulomb pulse as it propagates in material slippage between Coulomb pulse and optical replica Bandwidth of upconversion to optical Time domain electro-optic diagnostics Encoding issues… S.P. Jamison / Ditanet conference/ Nov 9-11, 2011
Electro-optic diagnostics in practice o Temporal decoding o Spectral decoding o Spatial encoding o benchmarking against deflecting cavities electrons.. EO station Many experiments on FLASH – one of first of short bunch machines Temporal Decoding Diagnostic transverse deflecting cavity S.P. Jamison / Ditanet conference/ Nov 9-11, 2011
High Time resolution... currently the highest time-resolution non-destructive diagnostic demonstrated 65 m thick GaP Berden et al. Phys Rev Lett. 99 (2007) Benchmarked against a destructive RF diagnostic technique provides a unique “calibrated” THz source... agreement confirms understanding of material properties S.P. Jamison / Ditanet conference/ Nov 9-11, 2011
Time Calibration.... probe laser bunch gate laser measure the same electron bunch twice with known measurement time delay CDR feedback onCDR feedback off Confirmation of feedback systems S.P. Jamison / Ditanet conference/ Nov 9-11, 2011
ALICE Electro-optic experiments o Energy recovery test-accelerator intratrain diagnostics must be non-invasive o low charge, high repition rate operation typically 40pC, 81MHz trains for 100us Spectral decoding results for 40pC bunch o confirming compression for FEL commissioning o examine compression and arrival timing along train o demonstrated significant reduction in charge requirements S.P. Jamison / Ditanet conference/ Nov 9-11, 2011
EO Current status, future improvements Low time resolution (>1ps structure) spectral decoding offers explicit temporal characterisation robust laser systems available diagnostic rep rate only limited by optical cameras High time resolution (>60 fs rms structure) proven capability significant issues with laser complexity / robustness Very higher time resolution (<60 fs rms structure) EO material properties (phase matching, GVD, crystal reflection) Laser pulse duration (TD gate, SE probe) Limited by Accelerator wish list - Missing capabilities o Higher time resolution (20fs rms for CLIC) o Higher reliability, lower cost (high resolution systems) o solution for feedback. S.P. Jamison / Ditanet conference/ Nov 9-11, 2011
time Cross-correlation method Optical probe with electron bunch info ultrafast “gate” for time->space readout Resolution is limited by gate duration (+phase matching) Practical implementation limits gate to >40fs fwhm ( laser transport, cross-correlator phase matching/signal levels ) Weak probe due to EO material damage limits… Compensated by intense gate Signal/noise issues from this mismatch in intensities Temporal Limitations of Electro-optic S.P. Jamison / Ditanet conference/ Nov 9-11, 2011
frequency time Obtain both time and spectral information Sub-pulse time resolution retrievable from additional information FROG measurements of DL fibre laser (Trina Ng) Higher resolution through “X-FROG “ cross-correlation, frequency resolved optical gating standard FROG ultrafast laser diagnostics Auto-correlation, not cross correlation Single shot requires more intensity than reasonable from EO material limitation R&D goals Develop XFROG with realistic EO intensities - signal/noise issues; non-degenerate wavelengths (?) Develop & demonstrate retrieval algorithms - including “spliced data” S.P. Jamison / Ditanet conference/ Nov 9-11, 2011
Spectral upconversion diagnostic measure the bunch Fourier spectrum accepting loss of phase information & explicit temporal information... gaining potential for determining information on even shorter structure... gaining measurement simplicity Long pulse, narrow bandwidth, probe laser -function NOTE: the long probe is still converted to optical replica same physics as “standard” EO different observational outcome S.P. Jamison / Ditanet conference/ Nov 9-11, 2011
difference frequency mixing sum frequency mixing Spectral upconversion diagnostic First demonstration experiments at FELIX Applied Physics Letters, (2010) S.P. Jamison / Ditanet conference/ Nov 9-11, 2011
Wavelength [um] Measures long wavelength components non-propagating spectral components which are not accessible to radiative techniques (CSR/CTR/SP) S.P. Jamison / Ditanet conference/ Nov 9-11, 2011 These experiments had less than ideal laser: ~5ps, not very narrow spectrum
Time resolution & bandwidth Manageable relative bandwidth could exploit ultrafast laser diagnostic techniques Coulomb field …. 0.1 – 20 THz (octave spanning bandwidth) Convert to optical field …. 300 THz +/- 20THz (10% bandwidth 20 fs time resolution… Implies THz detection bandwidth Uniform (or known) response function required over full bandwidth Time profile Spectra S.P. Jamison / Ditanet conference/ Nov 9-11, 2011
Ideal: narrow band laser, short pulses. S.P. Jamison / Ditanet conference/ Nov 9-11, 2011
Summary Electro-optic temporal techniques 10fs resolution capability Huge infrastructure for high energies Destructive Demonstrated with extremely broadband & single shot capability Empirical tuneup, stabilisation Limited by materials and optical characterisation Solution in multiple crystal detectors /alternative materials (?) in “FROG” like techniques Radiative spectral techniques Deflection cavity / zero crossing Electro-optic upconversion Converts extreme broadband signal into manageable optical signal Strong potential for empirical feedback system S.P. Jamison / Ditanet conference/ Nov 9-11, 2011
Electro-optic Longitudinal Profile Diagnostics For CLIC S P Jamison, Accelerator Science and Technology Centre, STFC Daresbury Laboratory W.A. Gillespie School of Engineering, Physics and Mathematics, University of Dundee S.P. Jamison, CLIC-UK meeting, CERN, April 12/13, 2011
Electro-optic measurements of CTR <200fs CTR from laser wakefield acceleration expts. (Central laser facility, RAL)
Electro-optic detection of edge radiation.. probe laser pump laser Electro-optic detection of laser-wakefield accelerated electrons S.P. Jamison / IOP lasers & accelerators / Dec 9, 2010
Solution in multiple crystals and crystal orientations… From Shi et al. Appl. Phys. Lett 2004 Tuneable phase matching of laser and THz pulse… Coulomb spectral component to be measured… … crystal angle to achieve phase matching Questions on how to “splice” data. Response amplitude can be measured from detection of tuneable THz source Spectral complex response can be measured from THz-TDS from linear THz-TDS … if we have known ultrashort source GaSe Many candidate crystals
…Time resolution Current best resolution achieved: ~120fs FWHM (~60fs rms) Require Improvements in Materials for upshifting to optical. Currently limited to <8THz (GaP, bulk) Single-shot optical characterisation currently limited to ~40-80 fs by input probe duration Sub-pulse resolution available through “FROG” schemes but Intensity requirements conflict with EO materials. Will develop suitable cross-correlation FROG (X-FROG) -multiple crystal detectors: will investigate patchwork deconvolution capabilities - Will investigate alternative 2D materials Solves propagation limits. Efficiency ?)
- shifting Coulomb spectrum to optical region OR Coulomb spectrum shifted to optical region Coulomb pulse replicated in optical pulse envelope optical field 4. Spectral upconversion diagnostic - creating an optical “replica” of Coulomb field Physics of EO encoding...
Benchmarking of EO diagnostics comparison with transverse deflecting (lola) cavity Electro-optic Transverse Deflecting Cavity plus Phys. Rev. ST, shot-shot variations
probe laser bunch gate laser Temporal decoding extras: Time Calibration.... EO confirmation of CDR feedback systems single shot capability reveals stabilising effect of slow feedback CDR feedback on CDR feedback off
Spatial Encoding Rely on t-x relationship between laser and Coulomb field EO encoding (almost) same as before - Same t-x relationship In principle: expect same/similar capabilities as TD Caveat: non-collinear geometry alters EO tensor response from Cavaleria et al. PRL 2005 SPPS (SLAC) measurements less widely demonstrated: from A. Azima et. al EPAC06 FLASH (DESY) measurements SLAC and DESY expts had significant additional complications of long transport in fibre...