Roadmap Understanding Being Inspired Adapt/ Apply July/September October/ December Q Intranet (Manifesto, Danone Day movies) Danone Day cascading by end August Manifesto Wake up program : Board + Quiz Manifesto breakfasts w. GM & CODI ( 30 minutes talk) Manifesto volunteers can sign up for the WSs Cross Category Workshop Thematized Manifesto Workshops (HCS Dairy) Adapt HCS strategy based on Danone Manifesto & Danone 2020 BRINGING HEALTH THROUGH FOOD TO AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE
STEP 1. REAL WAKE U P Info table about the manifesto convictions related topics w35-37 Quiz about the manifesto convictions related topics w35-37 Manifesto breakfast Bp Prg 10.01: Brat: Wake up! STEP 2. Department meetings Timing: ongoing in Oct/ Nov Understanding
Info table about the Manifesto Convictions related topics w35-w39 Every 2nd day one of the seventh topics of the Manifesto shared on big charts in the aula pictures, stories, what did we do already Closing event: Manifesto breakfast with GM and CODI members in each HCS countries Wake up!
Quiz about the Manifesto Convictions related topics w35-w39 Every 2nd day (during 2 weeks) a playful quiz placed on colleagues’ office tables / topic: –They can fill it out –And put it into an urn / collecting point (tbc.) in the aula till next day morning Every 2nd day via Internal Communication the answers of the questionaries' sent out with explanations Those 3 persons, who has replied well for most of the questions can win prizes BRINGING HEALTH THROUGH FOOD TO AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE Wake up!
Manifesto Breakfast w. GM & CODI Objective: informal cession w. GM + CODI to ask open questions re. Manifesto & Small award to the best colleagues in the Manifesto quiz Wake up!
… the local Manifesto core team Wake up! Manifesto cross- departmental Volunteers: 1.Judit Szalai / Supply Chain 2.Anasztázia Szabó / Supply Chain 3.Henrietta Csák- Fekete /Corporate Affairs
Wake up! Program implementation- QUIZ For 14 day exciting & 7 funny quiz serial Ongoing COMmunication using all channels intranet/ s/ papers on tables/ WOM etc. close to 80 participants on HCS level
Wake up! Program implementation – InFO table 7 theme related to Manifesto convictions and our mission in action -Each of those presented with concrete examples from Danone WW / local actions : quality – R&D, environment, CSR & internal healthy life style programs etc..
Wake up! Program IMPLEMENTATION– Manifesto Breakfast healthy Activia breakfast Every QUIZ player got a nice Manifesto certificate signed by the GM GM personalized award to the volunteers key messages: We can build together Manifesto We can make the change We can be better and better
… and it will be continued Wake up!