Step 1 Pick a project!
Step 2 Create a cover page
Name: Project Title: Candidate Number: Centre Number:
Name: Mr. Crowley Project Title: Gadget tidy Candidate Number: Centre Number: Design Technology Resistant materials Design Brief -10 People have and increasing number of gadgets and gizmos in their homes, such as mobile phones, iPods, remote controls, hand held computer games etc. Many of these products need chargers, memory cards, games etc. Design and make a gadget tidy. Design Brief - 1 A garden centre wishes to sell products to encourage wildlife into domestic gardens. Design and make a small product or range of related products that could be sold in the garden centre. Research suggests that more unusual and innovative products sell better than more traditional ones. Design Brief - 9 A major tourist attraction wishes to include themed, quality children’s toys. Design and make a themed toy that incorporates moving parts to add interest.
Step 3 Create a border page
Gadget Tidy Mr. Crowley Candidate Number Introduction: State what you intend to achieve from this page Conculsion: Summery of what you found out from completing the page
Mr. CrowleyCandidate No: Centre No: 1 Gadget Tidy
Mr. CrowleyCandidate No: Centre No: 1 Gadget Tidy
Step 4 Know what the examiners are looking for!
Teacher guidance page to be deleted
Research The first section is all about how you are researching for your project. This will include a mixture of images and text. The section is worth 8 marks in total- not a huge amount, so it’s important that we don’t spent too long on all the pages. That said, a lot of the annotation that you complete will depend on the work on the following pages.
Step 5 Mood-board
Mr. CrowleyCandidate No: Centre No: 3 On my mood board I have looked at mostly modern storage with bright or clean finishes.
Step 6 Create a task analysis
Customer How much would people pay? Who would it appeal to? Products already available How much do they cost? How big are they ? What is available on the market? Form What colours can I use? What Style can I use? What shape can it be? Is it free standing or hand held? Safety Does it have to have smooth edges? Can it be made from toxic materials? Environment Does it have to be waterproof? Is the product sustainable? Cost How much is a reasonable profit? How much will it be worth? How much would the materials cost? Candidate No:Centre No:Mr Crowley Target age groups? Gender orientated? Where will it be used/displayed? Does it need to be stable?
Product Safety factors Age Group Manufacture Information Instructions Time Scale Colour Scheme Addresses Size Cost Shape
Who will be selling it ? Art store Super markets Gallery store Customer 15 and over People who like art artists Manufacture One off/ bespoke factories Design Unusua l Who will be promoting your design? Designer s Colour Primary colours Pop art Lamp design Light sculpture Desktop lamp Standing lamp Angle poise Hanging lamp Ceiling light Display lamp Cost Mass produced-world wide Computer added design (CAD) 3d printer Laser cutter Hand tools Computer Aided Manufacture (CAM) Electronic shops Super markets Art magazines In a local market Electrical market Stationary magazine It will be used as a desk lamp when needing it to do work in a dark room. It will be advertised on shop windows, posters, TV adverts and ads in magazines. Magazines that advertise electronic gadgets. Magazines that show products in stores that sell the lamp. unique What are you designing for your controlled assessment? For my coursework I am going to design and make a light. Why are you designing this product? I am designing and making this product because I think that there is an interest in modern interior design and people are experimenting more with the use of different materials in lighting. What is the need for this product? I am designing this product because there is a demand for creative lighting. My target market is going to be young people, who want to have an unusual and striking product in their home that will be a conversation piece. What is the market for your product? I m aiming my product at young adults between years of age. I will make it suitable for this market by making it stand out and be creative. It will need to grab the attention of potential customers. What are your initial thoughts about your product? My initial thoughts are that I would like the light to be really different and unique. I would like to be really colourful and obviously pop art. I am going to need to have some kind of bulb or LED to give the light and I will need to make sure that this is used safely and without risk of fire Task analysis I have created a task analysis to mid map some ideas to help me with designing and making my lamp. I am interested in using CAD and. CAM to create a modern and innovative lamp.
4 Ps Task Analysis Product PROCESSES PLACES PRODUCT PEOPLE Target audience Gadget stores Virgin store Furniture store Gadget Tidy CAD/CAM In house PRODUCT…. What are the products you are making? What do you need to look at when designing? What legal requirements would you include? PROCESSES…. What are the processes used to make your Product in school and in industry? What are the names of the tools, equipment and machinery used? PLACES…. Where would your product most likely be sold? PEOPLE…. Who sets the brief? What type of people are involved in designing and Making the product? Who is involved in promoting and selling? Who will buy it?
Step 7 Research into existing products
Aesthetics What does the product look like? (Traditional/modern) Does it look like it is linked to any design movements? What do you like about how this product looks? What do you not like about the product? Could you suggest some changes you might make? Cost Have you researched how much the product costs? What materials and processes might have been used to make this product? Are they expensive? Would you pay the asking price? Yes/no – can you explain why would or would not? Customer Who might buy this product? (Age, gender, interests) Why do you think these people would buy it? (Design, materials, colour, function) Environment Where might it be used? Why do you think it would be suitable for this environment? (aesthetics, colour, design function) Existing Products
Safety Looking at the product can you explain any features that make this product safe for the users? Would this product be safe around children? Yes/no – can you explain why you think this is so? (Features, Design, Fixing, part size, electronics) What is the minimum age person you would leave use this product? (explain) What do you like about the features that make this product safe? What do you not like? What changes would you make to make this product safer? Size What are the overall dimensions of the product? Anthropometric data and ergonomic designs – Does the product have any features that have been measured to fit the average human? or designed for human movements? Is this designed with the user in mind? Yes/no – can you explain why you think this is so. Would you suggest changing the size of any features? Function What is the function of the product? Can you explain the features that make this product fulfil its function. What do you like about these features? Would you make any changes and add any more features? Can you explain why it would make this product function better? Material What materials are used to make this product? Why do you think they used these materials? (Looks, function, cost) What materials do you like on this product? Why? What materials do you dislike? Why? Can you suggest a different material to use? Continued …
Step 8 Create a customer profile and a questionnaire This should give you an insight for your specification and thus your designs
Customer Profile Questionnaire List of ten questions that cover what the client would want from your product. aimed at a selection of people who are similar to your client and show the results that will influence your product in the form of graphs. From completing the questionnaire and collecting the results you should know a lot more about what your product should do. This should influence some part of your product. If none of your findings influence your end product – they shouldn’t be there.
Step 9 Display you questionnaire results State what you have found out from each question
Questionnaire results. The question with a pie chart or bar graph showing the responses. Questionnaire findings. Written in paragraphs explaining for each question: 1.What you found out 2. How this will help you with your project