Day One
Syllabus HIGHLIGHTS!!! Expectations Be Prepared NO FOOD OR DRINK IN THIS CLASSROOM EVER!!! How do I get a good grade? Hall Passes Absences
Lab Manuals MUST HAVE A SPIRAL BOUND NOTEBOOK Labs Completed with a partner but must be a collaborative effort Each partner is responsible to have the data before they leave the room Lab write-ups ○ Completed usually the day after a lab and completed by each individual and treated as a QUIZ!!!
Starting the year off with a BANG!!! What’s in a Bomb Bag? Follow the directions in the lab manual Each group is responsible for their “set” of chemicals and equipment ○ Everything must be returned in the same condition that you received it!!! ○ Wipe down your area with a WET paper towel YOU ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY MUST WEAR GOGGLES AT ALL TIMES!!!!
Day Two
Class Website
What’s in a Bomb Bag? Continue Lab Investigation where you left off yesterday! Make sure you clean up!!!
Day Three
Lab Safety Equipment Uses and Location Fire Extinguisher Gas Shut-off Fire Blanket Safety Shower Eyewash Station Bucket of Sand Broken Glass Container Fume Hood
Finish Bomb Bag Investigation! Data in lab book before you leave!!!
Day Four
Lab Write-ups Treated like a quiz MUST BE COMPLETED BY YOU AND ONLY BY YOU!!! Room should be in a test-like environment Questions or clarifications on questions come see me!! USE complete sentences!!!
Day Five Wednesday
Properties and Changes(∆) of Matter Chemicals Any substance with a definite composition Your daily life is filled with chemical reactions Process by which on substance or more substances change to produce one or more DIFFERENT substances
Kinetic Molecular Theory (Physical States of Matter) Matter: Anything that has mass and takes up space Three Phases Solid Liquid Gas
Solid Liquid Gas 1. Arrangement 2. Movement 3. Volume
Properties of Matter (Physical & Chemical) Physical Properties Determined without changing the nature of the substance ○ Density, color, hardness Chemical Properties Indicates how a substance reacts with something else
Day Six Thursday
∆ of Matter Physical vs. Chemical ∆ Physical Changes Identity of the substance does not change Things to LOOK FOR!! ○ ∆ in states of matter ○ ∆ in appearance
∆ of Matter Physical vs. Chemical ∆ Chemical Changes Identity of substance DOES change Things to Look For!! Evolution of a gas Formation of a precipitate Release or absorption of energy Color Change
Physical and Chemical Changes Lab
Day Seven
Day Eight
Classification Activity You must have FIVE CATEGORIES based on similarities and differences
Pure vs. Mixture Pure Substances Matter that has a definite chemical and physical properties Chemically combined Example: Compounds and Elements Mixtures A combination of 2 or more substance NOT chemically combined
Day Nine
Classifying Matter Review For QUIZ: Chemical vs. Physical Changes
Day Eleven
Metric System Group of units used to make any kind of measurements Best known for its simpleness Why is it so simple? Used all around the world with scientists
Metric System (Common BASE Units) Length Mass Volume But how do we get to other units and what are they called?
King Henry Died By Drinking Chocolate Milk K H D B d c m
Day Twelve
Base Measurements Chemical Property Derived Units Physical Property QualitativeQuantitative
Day Thirteen Friday
Day Fourteen
Day Fifteen
Day Sixteen
Discovering Density What is Density? Does everything have a density and is it the same?
Discovering Density Lab 1. You will obtain 4 samples 3. Reading Graduate Cylinders!!! 12. DRY ALL SAMPLES BEFORE PLACING THEM BACK INTO THE CONTAINER!!! ** Before you start you must read the lab and write a data table in your lab notebook and have it checked by me!!!!!
Day Sixteen Thursday
Calculating Density!!
Day Seventeen Friday
Using Density to Identify Mineral and Wood Samples You must complete the pre-lab questions and have them checked by me before you start the lab You also must draw two data tables before starting the lab!
Day Eighteen Monday
Day Nineteen
Day Twenty
Day Twenty-One
Day Twenty-Two
Separation Challenge You will be given iron, salt, and sand Goal: 1. Make a mixture 2. Separate the mixture into the three substances
Day Twenty-Three
Day Twenty-Four