g2p/GEp Beamline Tim Michalski Project Lead
Beamline Overview Slow Raster Tungsten Calorimeter Upside Down Girder (correctors, BCM, superharp) FZ1 Magnet FZ2 Magnet Viewer Diagnostics Girder (BPMs, Harp) IIC1D07 IIC1D0A DUMP ION CHAMBERS
Slow Raster Technical –Signal generator control from Counting House –Up to 25mm diameter raster pattern – uniform energy distribution across target face Safety –OSP modified from Hall C use –Masked for beam setup in straight thru configuration with Tune beam Status –Verified during commissioning run –Ready for physics
Tungsten Calorimeter Technical –Repositioned from Long Girder in Hall A –Controller redesigned and rebuilt w/PC104, new control SW –Calibration demonstrates 1% accuracy in beam current measurement Safety –No change from historical Hall A operation Status –Verified during commissioning run –Ready for physics
BCM w/ new 2-Channel Receiver Technical –New 2 channel receiver electronics design – tailored for low current measurement –Standard BCMs Safety –No change from historical Hall A operation Status –Verified during commissioning run –Ready for physics
BPM w/ new 4-Channel Receiver Technical –New 4 channel receiver electronics design – tailored for low current measurement –M15 antenna style BPMs Safety –No change from historical Hall A operation Status –3 units complete and tested - fully characterized and tested in electronics lab –30 Hz and Beam Sync implemented –Finalizing SW by February 9 –Requires final installation and testing
BPM w/ new 4-Channel Receiver Technical –Required Input Parameters Dynamic Range - Imin and Imax (50 nA < G2P < 150 nA) Resolution/Accuracy - Determines SNR (G2P ~ 100 um) Based on physics and algorithm Output Rate - Ultimate system BW and output sample rate (G2P = 2 kHz) Isolation - Crosstalk and rejection of “systematics”
BPM w/ new 4-Channel Receiver Signal is Sensor-Specific 100um resolution requires SNR =34 dB. M15 will provide nA
BPM w/ new 4-Channel Receiver Required Noise Floor = -136 dBm Required Noise Fig. (BW=2kHz) = 5 dB Actual receiver Noise Figure = 2- 3 dB (based on gain setting) M15 w/ Prototype Electronics, BW ~ 2000 Hz
Superharp Technical –50 um wire –New fork design –New controller chassis – PC104 w/ new SW Safety –No change from historical Hall A operation Status –Tested during commissioning run Trigger needs to be adjusted Will test electronics and interface with an injected signal Increased wire size and material –Ready for physics
FZ Magnets and PSs Technical –FZ1 – VDC (PS) Requires AI magnet in series to achieve desirable load on PS –FZ2 – VDC (PS) –New vacuum chambers to contain beam path for all energy levels –Draws from hall LCW for cooling (magnets and PSs) Safety –OSP approved and in hall –Hardware Interlocks on PS –Klixons on magnets –Beacons – interlocked to PS –Signage Status –Full power test status – FZ1 tested complete, FZ2 PS failed component at 95% (repair and retest)
FZ Magnets and PSs
Chicane Control box removed when not being used.
Chicane Viewer Girder Diagnostics Girder 2 BPMs, 1 Superharp
Chicane Technical –2 FZ magnets, viewer, 2 BPMs, superharp –FZ2 magnet on vertically adjustable stand to accommodate all beam energies –FZ2 repositioning and alignment required at multiple times during physics run (viewer and diagnostics girder repositioning is also required) Safety –OSP is approved and in hall –FZ2 stand controller is removable from the hall –Standard PPE Status –Used for straight through operation during commissioning run –Design change in process to improve robustness of diagnostics girder mount (withstand loads due to vacuum) –No issues expected with final 2B alignment
Safety Systems Interlocks –Diffuser – water flow –Calorimeter –Compton Electron Detector –Radiator –Target Movement –Hydrogen Sniffer –UPS SW Crash –Lumi and Ion Chambers –BLM –Vacuum –FZ1 and FZ2 Magnets –Septum Magnet –Target Magnet –Fast Raster –H2 Sense –Water Flow –Differential Pressure –Supply Pressure –Supply Temperature
Experimental Run Plan Run #Beam EnergyMax Beam CurrentTarget AngleTarget LocationSepta MagnetDumpTarget MaterialTarget fieldComments uAN/A87 cm upstreamN/AHall A DumpN/A0Straight Thru Beam nA9087 cm upstreamYes-6degHall A DumpNH32.5 T 1a nA9087 cm upstreamYESHall A DumpCal/optics2.5 Tempty tgt or one of the optics tgt nA787 cm upstreamYESHall A dumpNH32.5 T 2a nA787 cm upstreamYESHall A dumpCal/optics2.5 Tempty tgt or one of the optics tgt uAN/A87 cm upstreamN/AHall A DumpN/A0Straight Thru Beam nA787 cm upstreamYESHall A dumpNH32.5 T 3a nA787 cm upstreamYESHall A dumpCal/optics2.5 Tempty tgt or one of the optics tgt nA9087 cm upstreamYes-6degHall A dumpNH32.5 T 4a nA9087 cm upstreamYESHall A dumpCal/optics2.5 Tempty tgt or one of the optics tgt uAN/A87 cm upstreamN/AHall A DumpN/A0Straight Thru Beam nA9087cm upstreamYESHall A dumpNH32.5 T nA787cm upstreamYESHall A dumpNH32.5 T 6a nA787 cm upstreamYESHall A dumpCal/optics2.5 Tempty tgt or one of the optics tgt nA9087 cm upstreamYes - 6 degLocal DumpNH35.01 T 7a nA9087 cm upstreamYESLocal DumpCal/optics5.01 Tempty tgt or one of the optics tgt nA787 cm upstreamYes- 6 degHall A dumpNH35.01 T uAN/A87 cm upstreamN/AHall A DumpN/A0Straight Thru Beam nA9087 cm upstreamYes - 6 degLocal DumpNH35.01 T 9a nA max9087 cm upstreamYes - 6 degLocal DumpCal/optics5.01 Tempty tgt or one of the optics tgt nA787 cm upstreamYes - 6 degHall A DumpNH35.01 T nA087 cm upstreamYes - 6 degHall A DumpNH35.01 TLongitudinal target polarization run