WIS PTO PRIDE Advancing quality education through communication, volunteer support, and fundraising
Our Children Thank You for Joining the PTO 93% of WIS parents have joined this year. Deadline for the family directory was on 9/12. Directories will be sent home in backpacks in early October.
Our Children Thank You for Volunteering Our goal is to maximize the use of Parent Talent. – Sign up for at least one event and make a difference. 40 parents on the PTO board run events and fundraising. We also have 48 Room Parents. Volunteer sign-ups will be on-line this year.
Our Children Thank You for Raising $43,000 in Despite the tough economy, it was one of our best years. 3 major fundraisers = $30,000 – Book Fair, Gift Wrap, Memorial Day Fair “No Cost” fundraisers = $4,500 – Box Tops For Education, Stop & Shop, Target Other fundraisers = $8,500 – New KidStuff Coupon Book
Our Children Thank You for $53,000* in Enhancements in WISE computer terminals for the 5 th grade 25 iPads, docking stations and control units AIM Initiative donation Weston Education Foundation donation 3 smart cameras E-book test Dr. Kaboom’s school-wide science show Playground field with irrigation system 2 outdoor game tables and tetherball *A surplus in our philanthropy account allowed us to spend more than we earned.
I Thank You for… The support, encouragement, and kindness you have shown to my family and to me. Allowing me to continue to serve as your PTO President - a role that I love.