The Definite Articles Italian 1 Signorina Vitamia
1. IL 1. IL IL is used before singular masculine nouns beginning with a consonant. il ragazzo – the boy il libro – the book
2. LA 2. LA LA is used before singular feminine nouns beginning with a consonant. la ragazza – the girl la studentessa – the female student
3. L’ 3. L’ L’ is used before singular masculine and feminine nouns beginning with a vowel. l’amico / l’amica – the friend l’orologio – the clock l’università – the university
4. LO 4. LO LO is used before singular masculine nouns beginning with s + consonant, z, ps, or gn. lo studente – the (male) student lo zaino – the backpack lo psicologo – the psychologist lo gnocco – the (single piece of) gnocchi
5. I 5. I I is used before plural masculine nouns beginning with a consonant. (plural of il) i ragazzi – the boys (boys and girls) i libri – the books
6. LE 6. LE LE is used before all plural feminine nouns. (plural of la & l’) le scuole – the schools le università – the universities le amiche – the (female) friends
7. GLI 7. GLI GLI is used before plural masculine nouns beginning with a vowel, s + consonant, z, ps, or gn. (plural of lo and l’) gli orologi – the clocks gli amici – the (male (and female)) friends gli studenti – the (male (and female) students