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facebook Virginia Shreves the first meeting for Earthquack went really well! WallPhotosContactPersonal InfoVirginia ShrevesLogout Send VS a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotos Write something… Share Information Hometown Manhattan, NY Place of birth: Manhattan, NY Family Background Mom-Dr. Phyllis Shreves Dad Brother- Byron Shreves Sister- Anaïs Shreves Education Highschool Sophomore Family/Friends Mom DadByron AnaïsFroggy Virginia Shreves Died my hair purple! My mom doesn’t like it too much, but I do! Shannon Virginia Shreves I got my eyebrow pierced and my best friend Shannon got her tongue pierced Virginia Shreves Just landed in Seattle to spend Thanksgiving with my best friend Shannon, AND our hotel is on VIRGINIA street!! How cool is that?! Virginia Shreves I have decided that I want to dis-own my brother!!!! Extremely irritated!!! Virginia Shreves missing my best friend Shannon, who moved all the way to WALLA WALLA! Virginia Shreves I think I was born into the wrong family. WALLA IS FOR LOVERS WA LLA IS FOR LOV ERS

Personal Information facebook Virginia Shreves the first meeting for Earthquack went really well! WallPhotosContactPersonal InfoVirginia ShrevesLogout Send VS a message Poke message Wall Personal Info Photos Basic Information Information Hometown Manhattan, NY Place of birth: Manhattan, NY Family Background Mom-Dr. Phyllis Shreves Dad Brother- Byron Shreves Sister- Anaïs Shreves Education Highschool Sophomore Photos Sex: Female Hometown: Manhattan, NY Relationship Status: Single (kinda) Activities: Making lists, watching baseball with dad, making fun food with Byron, talking to my best friend Shannon, and of course Earthquack. Interests:Kickboxing (just started the class and I am enjoying it!) and Earthquack Favorite Music: Hip-hop, Pop, Rock, and some Country. Favorite Movies: All of the Twilight movies, The Notebook, Nights in Rodathe, Mean Girls Favorite TV Shows: Pretty Little Liars, Survivor, Biggest Loser, Baseball Favorite Books: Twilight series, What My Mother Doesn’t Know, What My Boyfriend Doesn’t Know Trip to Seattle for Thanksgiving with Shannon 2 Albums Me and Shannon Contact Information Earthquack Web Page Address: Phone Number: (123) WALLA IS FOR LOVERS

facebook WallPhotosContactPersonal InfoVirginia ShrevesLogout WallInfoPhotos Virginia Shreves Photos 7 Photos VS’s Albums Trip to Seattle for Thanksgiving With Shannon 5 photos Me and Shannon 2 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo Virginia Shreves WALLA IS FOR LOVERS WALLA IS FOR LOVERS