Problem Solving Decision Making Lindsey Barney
Problem Identification 2 nd grade student Devontae was benchmarked in January. He read 30 WPM with 85% accuracy. 2 nd grade middle of year benchmark is 72 WPM with 95% accuracy. In January he was reading on a 1 st grade level with 28 WPM 78% accuracy.
Problem Analysis Devontae was previously in an Early Steps intervention in first grade. His current intervention for reading included regular classroom instruction with additional guided reading and six minute solutions with a paraeducator.
Problem Analysis His errors included: – vowel patterns (EX: VCe, CVVC, and CVC words). – Suffixes (EX: -s, -es, -ing, -ed) – Irregular site words (EX: was, what, want) – Compound words (EX: inside, outside) – Guessing the word from the first few letters he could sound out.
What Needed to be Taught Vowel Patterns – I started with aCe and aC Fluency Speed Accuracy Site Words
Plan Development Combination of several research- based interventions – Next Steps – Word Lists – Word Sorts – Site Words – Comprehension Questioning 30 minutes of intervention instruction 4 times a week.
Implementation Process Site Word Flash Cards 5 minutes – High frequency site words & irregular words Fluency 5 minutes – Next Steps fluency charts – Read warm passage two times for one minute. Read the same passage four times total. Track rate and accuracy. Guided Reading with Basals 10 minutes – Text Preview – Echo Read – Solo Read – Rate and Accuracy – Check for understanding using comprehension questions
Implementation Process Word Study- 10 minutes Word Lists List words in same vowel pattern word lists with vowel pattern underlined List words in mixed word lists with patterns underlined List words mixed with no patterns underlined Word Sorts Sort words by vowel pattern and read each word multiple times during the sort
Progress Monitoring Bi-weekly Dibels CBM Daily Rate and Accuracy checks Daily Fluency checks
Dibels CBM Words Per Minute Reading
Next Steps Rate and Accuracy
Data Analysis In January he was reading on a 1 st grade level with 28 WPM 78% accuracy. In March, he read on a 1 st grade level with 36 WPM 77% accuracy. His trend line increased from 25 to 35 WPM in 7 weeks. His average rate of improvement is 1.5 words per week.
Did the Intervention Work? From the data, the student is making improvement. I would say that the intervention is working. To improve the intervention, I would add a component of Reading Horizons that explicitly teaches vowel patterns that can be generalized with all vowel patterns. With this added intervention, I believe that Devontae could be caught up to grade level material within several months if his trend line increases.