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Personal Information facebook Person’s Name Current status (what they are famous for) WallPhotosInfoPerson’s nameLogout View photos of Person’s Name (5) Send Person’s name a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotos Basic Information Information Networks: Town lived in when famous Birthday: Date of Birth Political: Political Party Religion: Religion (if known) Hometown: Place of Birth Photos Networks: Town lived in when famous Sex: Male/Female Birthday: Date of Birth Hometown: Place of Birth Education: Degree/type of education Relationship Status: Married to Spouse’s name Single or Divorced Political Views: Political Party Religious Views: Religion (if known) Activities: Things the person did that made them famous Interests:Hobbies the person is known to have Music:Favorite type of music (if known, if not known, think of music they would like) Movies:Favorite movies they liked (or you think they would like) TV Shows:Favorite TV Shows they liked (or you think they would like) Books:Favorite books they liked (or you think they would like) Characteristics: Description of his personality Achievements:What things did he accomplish during his lifetime Famous Quotes:List a famous Quote by this person Spoils System:Describe the Spoils System National Bank:Explain why Jackson didn’t like the National Bank & what he did to it. Name of album Updated last Tuesday 2 Albums Name of album Updated two months ago Contact Information Address:Address where they last lived Make up an address for your person Profile Pic Cover pic
facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesPerson’s NameLogout WallInfoPhotos Photos of Person’s Name 7 Photos Person’s name Albums 2 Photo Alums Name of Album 5 photos Name of Album 5 photos Person’s Name current status (what they are most famous for) Profile Pic