The dog By: GB
Family, genus and species Family: canidae Genus: canis Species: c. lupus
description A dog is a four legged animal that has developed from the wolf and shares a lot of similarities with the wolf. The dog is often used as a pet or used for hunting. Dogs have exceptional hearing. Dog’s can only see in black and white also.
Habitat Dogs have been domesticated into a house pet. They usually are used for a general pet or hunting. But before dog’s were domesticated dogs or better known as wolves lived in the wild and would have to hunt and live on their own.
Niche Dogs are fed dog food, so they do not have to provide for themselves. But before they were domesticated dogs (wolves) would have to hunt on their owns and hunt types of animals like rabbits or squirrels.
reproduction Dogs reproduce by sexual reproduction. Female dogs and female wolves become fertile at the age of 1. Dogs or wolves can have babies 2 times a year. It depends on the type of breed, for the amount of babies that is produced but it is usually between 7-12 for your average dog.
Reproductive benefits One benefit of dogs reproducing would be it increases the number of population for that particular breed or species.
Threats (organism) What threatens the dog For wild dogs or wolves threats would include hunters other animals in the wild. For example another wolf. But the most common is human interaction. What the dog threatens The wolf or dog also threatens the humans or hunter, they see the dogs or wolves as danger or predators.
Threats (enviroment) The common death for a dog is old age but other then that the only other threat would be a sickness (ex: cancer) or an accident of some sort.
Importance of organism The dog is a very important part of the American and other countries societies. Dogs are known as “a mans best friend”. Dogs are essentially a part of the family or a child in the family. Dogs are a very big part of an American tradition in families. Wolves challenge us to remember who we are, why we are here, what our purpose is. To work with others like us and to aspire to know the truth of our existence.