1 Peter 2:5-10 The priestly fraternity, that is, a sacerdotal order (figuratively): - priesthood. The order or body of priests.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Peter 2:5-10 The priestly fraternity, that is, a sacerdotal order (figuratively): - priesthood. The order or body of priests

The Priesthood Is Not: Certain, Select, Separate Group or Body of the Believers Dispenser of God’s Grace. Those who distribute to the faithful the sacraments. Wear Special Garments, Robes, Collars, “Man of the Cloth” Wear Titles of Distinction: Reverend, Doctor, The Pastor Go to Special Schools, Seminaries, Monasteries Must Come through the Priest Craft to be Blessed Clergy – Laity System Matt.23:8 “But you are not to be called rabbi, for you have one teacher, and you are all brothers.”

Who is The Priestly Fraternal? All Believers in Christ, All the Saints in N.T. Order 1 Peter 1:1 “Ye” “You All” “You Yourselves” IPet.4:14-16; 2:5,9 Is.61:6 Rev.1:4-6 Rev.5:9-10

What Kind Of Priests Are We? Holy, Sanctified, Separated Unto God: IPeter 2:5, 9 I Peter 1: Cor.6:14-7:1 Royal, Ruling in Righteousness With Christ Follow the Royal Law, Jam.2:8, 9; Eph.2:6

What Does The Priestly Fraternal Do? In O.T. - Serve at the Tabernacle: Heb.8:1-5, 9:6 Most Holy Place Holy Place Heb.13:10; 15-16, Sacrifice of Praise, Do Good Communicate - Sharing 1 Peter 2:5 Spiritual House, Spiritual Sacrifices Phil.4:18-19 Our Life, Rom.12:1-2

Are You A Part of The Priestly Fraternal? 1. Hear the Gospel of Christ, Acts 18:8 2. Believe in Jesus Christ, Rom.1:16 3. Repent and Turn to God, Acts 17:30 4. Confess Jesus Before Men, Matt.10:32 5. Baptized Into Christ, Gal.3:  Grow And Be Faithful, Matt.10:22  If Err As A Christian : Repent and Pray God, Acts 8:22