Module 6B What knowledge do we need for the further development of an idea Estimated time: 30 minutes
3D CASE: Practitioner and philosopher 1. Find together two and two with the same hand temperature (at this stage) as you 2. The tallest is practitioner and says only practical words (shoe) 3. The not so tall is philosopher and says only principle/abstract words (footwear) 4. Take turns to say one word at a time. Make sure the practical word relates to the principle word and vice versa 5. The practitioner sits on the floor/chair – the philosopher is standing 6. If you get stuck, start over with a new practical word 7. The practitioner starts
3D CASE: Brain of practitioner and philosopher 1. Find together two and two with one who has the same kind of shoes on as yourself 2. Hand out one piece of A4 paper per 2-man group 3. Every 2-man group should draw their common brain on the paper 4. They should fill out the brain with what they have in their memory from their entire life: job, study, hobby, spare time activities, special interests…
Please sit down
What knowledge do we need for the further development of the idea 1. Make the students go into their working groups 2. Hand out a large piece of paper per group 3. As a group they should draw a brain/mental library 4. They should fill out the brain with knowledge they need for further development of their idea 5. They should attempt to put names, organisations or similar onto the brains knowledge areas to identify who to contact in order to continue a further development of the idea
DRAW THE MENTAL LIBRARY Of the (knowledge) persons who need to meet