CEO’S REPORT State Board of Directors Meeting January 28, 2011
2010 Year in Review Legislative Regulatory Branding & Marketing Communications Staffing
Legislative AGC Legislative Committee reviewed over 3,000 pieces of legislation and closely monitored over 300. AGC sponsored 9 legislative bills 80% success 4 of the 5 bills that made it to the Governor’s desk were signed into law 4 bills carried forward in 2011 AGC scored a 100% in defeating legislative bills we asked to be vetoed.
Gas Tax Swap Successfully negotiated provisions of the “gas tax swap” legislation to protect all transportation financing and generate an additional $650 million for highway construction beginning as early as Public-Private Partnerships (P3) & PIAC Presidio Parkway improvement project was approved by the California Transportation Commission (CTC) as California’s first P3 project that will create approximately 22,000 new jobs and generate an estimated $12.7 million for local economy, and produce $2.5 million annually through operations and maintenance.
Regulatory Air Quality “Off-Road” Diesel Emissions Saved contractors an estimated $300,000 a year on retrofitting equipment Delayed implementation of the regulation requirements for at least four years Increased the number of hours for “low-use” equipment exemptions Labor Relations Meal and rest period flexibility Advocated for proper and adequate prevailing wage coverage Stormwater Launched a new California State Certified Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) training series FASB – Multiemployer Disclosure Met with FASB board members for a more favorable rule Delayed implementation for one year
Branding & Marketing “ It’s Good Business to do Business with an AGC Member” DVBE Membership Exceeded our 5% membership goal and increased membership in this category by 8% over Awareness Activities Host agency for the California Construction Expo CEO serves as a commissioner on PIAC Participated in the California Regional Transportation Workforce Development Summit Construction Career Awareness Days
Communications “ SMART” Communications Communicate effectively with members utilizing leading and services InFormz communication AGC Newsletters: Capitol Update, What’s News, Market Services, and Education Foundation Virtual Meetings Used applications like SKYPE and CommPartners as a way to conduct business meetings and create a virtual “face-to-face” meeting for internal staff, members and clients. Website enhancements Online events registration Microsoft Outlook calendar integration Integrated mapping Restructured online Safety Video Lending Library for customized searches an online ordering
Organizational Announcements Staff Recognition Staff Transitions
“It’s good business to do business with an AGC member”