WELCOME TO 5W Teacher: Miss Emma-Jane Kelly Teaching Assistant: Mrs Katrina Dilieto KS2 Support Teacher: Mrs Helen Dempsey LSAs: Ms Samantha Valencia, Ms Carol Palmer and Mrs Jacqui Reynolds Together we love life, learning and God
TIMETABLE Maths and Literacy lessons take place every day In Year 5, the children mix into three teaching groups. Maths groups are based on teacher assessments of each child, as well as more formal assessments. Groups are fluid and teachers assess the groups frequently. Children have a sports coach (Coach Kyle) once a week for outdoor PE on Tuesday and also have another indoor PE session every Thursday. Swimming will start after February half-term and you will receive more information about this closer to the time. The weekly timetable also includes RE, IPC lessons, French, Philosophy for Children (P4C), Guided Reading, Handwriting practice and Spelling.
IPC UNITS THIS TERM The IPC is a comprehensive, thematic, creative curriculum with a clear process of learning and with specific learning goals for subjects which include science, history, geography, art, music and design technology. It also includes an important element for international mindedness and for personal learning.
INTERNATIONAL PRIMARY CURRICULUM IPC Our first IPC unit this term is called ‘Fairgrounds and Playgrounds’. In this unit, the children will be learning about: The force of gravity acting between the Earth and falling objects The effects of air resistance, water resistance and friction Some mechanisms including levers, pulleys and gears that allow a smaller force to have a greater effect Some of the tasks for this unit will involve children completing some work at home; e.g. research and projects.
READING It is an expectation that all children read regularly at home and that their reading records are completed by an adult. These will be acknowledged by a teacher. In Year 5, children change their home books by themselves. Their group guided reading books are chosen by a teacher. Some children will be involved in a reading prgramme with Mrs Statham. Guided reading generally takes place every day using a variety of activities, including reading with a teacher.
HOMEWORK In Year 5, homework is given out on a Friday and collected in on a Wednesday. Homework given in after the due date will be marked as late. Children have a homework diary to record all their tasks in. Unless otherwise stated, all homework is to be completed neatly and to the best of their ability in their orange homework books. Reading, spellings and times tables are expected to be completed/learned in addition to the Friday homework.
MATHLETICS All the children will have their Mathletics login details (in the front of their homework books) Mathletics is a safe online maths tool to support children’s learning Mathletics will regularly be set as part of their homework tasks but children should be encouraged to play ‘Live Mathletics’ to consolidate and extend their learning. Results and participation will be checked regularly by teachers. Children who achieve silver or gold certificates on Mathletics will be recognised and congratulated in assembly.
Newsletters are now available every fortnight on the school website. They are no longer delivered by parent mail. Please go to News and Events - Newsletters Diary dates for this academic year are on the website including sports days, concerts, INSET days, etc. Please check the website regularly for updates on policies, curriculum areas, staff changes and much more. SCHOOL WEBSITE
Whether it’s a hobby, passion, job or just a keen interest, would you be interested in sharing your knowledge in order to enhance the children's learning? This could include a variety of roles, including classroom visits or support with class projects. Please sign the sheet with your name, your child’s full name and your areas of expertise however great or small. Keep your eyes peeled for letters! CALLING ALL EXPERTS!
OTHER INFORMATION PE kits need to be in school everyday – including trainers Home/school agreement needs to be read, signed and returned. At the end of the day Year 5 are dismissed out of the front doors, opposite nursery. If you wish for your child to walk home by themselves, you must return a signed permission slip. Any queries and questions during morning line up to be directed to our TA, Mrs Dilieto Any appointments required with the class teacher need to be arranged through the office Any questions?