1 Company Engagement: Making the Ask
2 Objectives Attendees will: Identify the company contact to discuss Walk opportunities with and build this as part of your work plan Know what questions to ask the company contact to “starting the conversation” Bridge the Six Steps to Success to create a culture of asking within the chapter Outcome Desired: –To increase company participation with Walk, increase concern and awareness and grow revenue support of the mission.
3 Holistic Account Engagement Opportunities Company Employee Engagement Business ROI and Customer Impact Corporate Social Responsibility Image GOAL: Employee Retention and Productivity GOAL: Grow Sales, New Customers and New Channels GOAL: Visibility as a Good Corporate Citizen
5 Corporate Initiatives Six Steps to Success Step 1 Know Your Company Step 2 Know Your Audience Step 3 Start the Conversation Listen & Ask Questions! Step 4 Make Our Cause Relevant Step 5 Present a WIFM Call to Action And Plan Ahead! Step 6 Thank You & Follow- Up
7 1.Breakout into groups based on the company contact you would like to discuss Walk opportunities with. HR Corporate Champion Community Relations Manager Marketing Manager 2.Develop a list of relevant questions for the company contact to help “Start the Conversation” around Walk opportunities. 4. Present questions to the group. Step 3: Start the Conversation GOAL: How do you make Walk relevant to a company contact?
8 Make the Cause Relevant GenericSpecificCompany Contact Overview of disease & impact -5.3million Americans with Alzheimer’s - 16 million by ,000 people living in Kansas with Alzheimer’s disease - 62,000 by 2025 (24% increase) -- Human Resources/Benefits Manager -- Wellness director -- Community Relations Manager -- CEO or Executive Celebrate Organization’s past successes -Human Services & At Risk Youth -Diversity National Association of Black Accountants Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting American Society of Women Accountants Alzheimer’s Association invites you to use your voice to embrace change and extend life cycle benefits through elder care -African Americans are twice as likely to get AD than Caucasians -Hispanics are 1 ½ times more likely than Caucasians million adult caregivers are giving care to a person at least 50 year old -60% of caregivers are women -Human Resources/Benefits Manager -Diversity Share information on how Walk funds will be used -Help fight Alzheimer's disease through vital research and essential support programs and services -In 2010 the Central & Western Kansas Office : Offered 30 support groups X number of support groups were held X number of persons attended - Education events Alzheimer’s & the Family Caregiver Wandering & Safety for Cognitive Impairment - Local resources and referrals Provided x number of referrals Provided x number of care consultations - Wellness Director Demonstrate direct impact to company & employees -11 million caregivers - 60% are working full or part time -Impact to business: $61billion per year -70,000: number of employees -$158,466,000: Estimated eldercare cost to Koch Industries -CEO or Executive -Human Resources/Benefits Manager Step 4 Koch Industries
9 Corporate Initiatives Six Steps to Success Step 1 Know Your Company Step 2 Know Your Audience Step 3 Start the Conversation Listen & Ask Questions! Step 4 Make Our Cause Relevant Step 5 Present a WIFM Call to Action And Plan Ahead! Step 6 Thank You & Follow- Up
10 Chapter Tools Company Team Brochure National Team Brochure
11 Educate then Invite Employees
12 Corporate Initiatives tools