Vision : Providing quality affordable housing supported by outstanding services Mission : Changing lives through meeting our customers’ aspirations Taking it forward… Observations Common themes across regions Some basic improvements identified Some very local priorities Guiding principles Less is more! (keep it simple; keep it deliverable) Customers must see the benefit Local priorities addressed Just the first step…
Vision : Providing quality affordable housing supported by outstanding services Mission : Changing lives through meeting our customers’ aspirations
Vision : Providing quality affordable housing supported by outstanding services Mission : Changing lives through meeting our customers’ aspirations Local Area Action Plans What’s included: Summary of main offers Local issues Local Lettings plans Asset Management plans SDO engagement Customer engagement
Vision : Providing quality affordable housing supported by outstanding services Mission : Changing lives through meeting our customers’ aspirations Next steps Go Live 1 April Finalise measuring and monitoring Local Area Action Plans - SDOs Customers kept up to date On to bigger and better things… Keep Going Local!