Interpersonal Dynamics in a Simulated Prison Sabrina Santana James Solomon Sammy Carroll Tom Geen
Method/procedure Participants of the experiment were assigned to either “guard” or “prisoner” These roles were enacted over an extended period of time (6 days) They were issued uniforms so there would be no individuality
Data collection Videotaping- recording were made daily and cameras were concealed Audio recording- concealed microphones recorded both prisoners and guards interactions Rating scales- mood checklists that assessed emotional changes of both roles Individual difference scale- measured the changes of interpersonal behavior styles Personal observations- guards made daily recordings of their observations and experimenters kept informal diaries. All subjects completed post experimental questionnaires
Guards comments “I didn’t interfere with any of the guards’ actions. Usually if what they were doing bothered me, I would walk out and take another duty.” “I am impressed by how little I felt for them” “…we were always there to show them who’s boss”
Prisoner comments “The way we were made to degrade ourselves really brought us down, and that’s why we all sat docile toward the end of the experiment” “I began to feel I was losing my identity” “I learned that people can easily forget that others are human”
Conclusion Sadistic behavior’s came from individuals that were not labeled “sadistic types” Frequent emotional breakdowns occurred in persons selected explicitly for their emotional stability When the experiment was ended prematurely prisoners seemed elated while the guards seemed to be distressed
Questions How would you have handled being a prisoner? Being a guard? What are your reactions to the prisoner/guards comments? Who’s at fault for the actions of the guards? Themselves or the experimenters?