Which group will be the winner ? Who will perform the best? competition co-operation
必答题 词义对对碰
抢答题 该出手时就出手 一 寻祖问宗
violent violently violence
education educate educated educator educational
cruel cruelty cruelly
peace peaceful peacefully
equality equalunequal equally
terrible terror terrorismterrorist terrifyterribly
二 抛砖引玉
1. Mark was v____ monitor by his classmates this term. 2. In my o______, we should work out a plan before we act. 3. The People’s Republic of China was f_______ in Tom was r________ for having saved an old man. voted opinion founded rewarded
5. The United States was a______ by some terrorists on September 11, you must make sure that all your products( 产品 ) have good q_____. 7. Although he is over 70, he is still a_____. attacked quality active
8. He b______ money in the streets. 9. I have four r________ in my family. 10. Amy is very g________ in giving money to the poor. begged relatives generous
三 对号入座
1.The criminal wanted to ___________ the prison. 2. A group of people ______ an organization to support him. 3. I thought the work would be difficult, ________________, it’s very easy. 4. She failed this time, but she did not _________. escape from set up as a matter of fact lose heart
5. It was so late, and I could not find anyone to ______. 6. It seemed that he was not frightened to ______________ prison. 7. She _______________ her husband, and never makes close friends with other men. turn to be sentenced to devotes herself to
8. After _______________, he carried out a series of reforms( 改革 ). 9. Because of carelessness, she is __________ now. 10. I am willing to help you when you are _________. coming to power out of work in trouble
四 翻译高手
1. 别灰心,很快一切都会好起来的。 2. 奥巴马 (Obama) 在 08 年上台执政。 3. 我怎样才能报答你的好心呢 ? 4. 事实上我不知道该怎么说。 Obama came to power in How can I reward your kindness? As a matter of fact , I don't know how to say. Don’t lose heart. Everything will be all right soon.
5. 他将一生奉献给了音乐。 6. 他已失业六个月了。 7 有一头狮子从笼中逃走了. 8. 我要再发现你骗人, 决不轻饶。 If I find you cheat again you'll be in trouble. A lion has escaped from its cage. He devoted himself entirely to music. He's been out of work for six months.
homework Finish the exercise in the newspaper.( 各就各位 )
用括号中所给词语翻译下列句 子,然后用五句话将这些句子 连成一篇短文。
1 . 1962 年,查理先生被送进监狱。 (put sb.in prison) 2 .有人指控他想炸毁一所中学。 (blow up) 3 .事实上,他之所以被判三年监禁,是因为 他鼓励该校的黑人孩子为争取与白人孩子平等 的权利而斗争。 (be sentenced to , encourage , fight for) 4 .在狱中,他从未丧失信心。 (lose heart) 5 .出狱后,他为黑人孩子建立了一所学校。 (set free , set up) 6 .该校毕业的多数学生都工作出色,不用担 心自己的前途。 (as a matter of fact , worry about) 7 .他们受过良好的教育。 (educate)
1.Mr.Charles was put in prison in . He was accused of trying to blow up a middle school. 3 . As a matter of fact , he was sentenced to three years imprisonment for encouraging the black children in that school to fight for the equal rights with the white children. 4 . When he was in prison , he never lost heart. 5 . After he was set free , he set up a school for black children. 6 . Most students graduating from the school could do their work well and didn’t need to worry about their future. 7 . They were well educated.
Mr.Charles was put in prison in 1962 because he was accused of trying to blow up a middle school.As a matter of fact , he was sentenced to three years imprisonment for encouraging the black children in that school to fight for the equal rights with the white children.When he was in prison , he never lost heart. After he was set free , he set up a school for black children.Well educated , most students graduating from the school could do their work well and didn’t need to worry about their future.