1 Incarcerated Obligor Outreach Training
Welcome Announcements Introductions 2
Agenda Background Prison Outreach Program Incarcerated Obligor Process Local Outreach Effort Contact Information 3
Laura Roth Director of El Dorado County Department of Child Support Services Chair of Video Production Subcommittee Member of the Incarcerated Obligor Workgroup 4
5 Prison Outreach Program Laura Roth
Prison Outreach Program History –55% of Inmates are parents –Current Practices –Committees/DCSS functions –Dept of Corrections collaboration Current activities –Upcoming press release –Rollout to institutions –Incarcerated Obligor LCSA designated Liaison 6
Prison Outreach Program Outreach materials: Video Poster Fact sheet Form –Centralized address for return of form 7
Video 8 A link to the “Incarcerated Obligor Video” is located on the California Child Support Central Website, on the Incarcerated Obligor Workgroup web page. Incarcerated Obligor Workgroup web page
Prison Outreach Program How inmates receive and submit documents How inmates will find out about the Status Request form 15
Date stamp when received Look up NCP in CSE Out of state case- send to other state’s Central Registry Return to Incarcerated Obligor if no record in CSE 17 Incarcerated Obligor Process
Image to CSE Create task (AN001) Shred 19 Incarcerated Obligor Process (continued)
Working the AN001 task 20
Working the AN001 task 21
Working the AN001 task 22
Working the AN001 task 23
Working the AN001 task 24
Working the AN001 task 25
Local Outreach Effort State Outreach Project vs. Local Outreach Effort Form can be customized by LCSA for local distribution 28
Local Outreach Effort Outreach materials available for replication: –Poster –DVD label –Fact Sheet –Request to Review Child Support form 31
Local Outreach Effort 32 Why is this important to the LCSA’s?? Counties are attempting to provide outreach on limited budget Statewide outreach effort that can be utilized by all counties Benefits of reducing support when parents are incarcerated –Improves LCSA performance measures –Reduces barriers to successful re-entry on the part of the incarcerated obligor
Who to Contact: Order DVDs –Laura D. Roth Director El Dorado County Department of Child Support Services (530) –Natalie Dillon Deputy Director, Child Support Directors Association (916) ext
Who to Contact: Updates to the Incarcerated Obligor Liaison list –Suzie Marin DCSS Policy Branch (916) Questions about the Incarcerated Obligor Outreach Program –Laura D. Roth Director El Dorado County Department of Child Support Services (530)