LAND NORTH: narrow coastal plain rocky soil Appalachian Mountains not far from coast; natural barrier for population SOUTH: wide coastal plain rich, fertile soil Appalachian Mountains farther west; natural barrier for population
CLIMATE North: harsh winters short summers So… Some subsistence (small-scale) farming Families provide labor South: mild winters long summers So… Many large-scale farms (plantations) Need large labor force
RIVERS North: mostly narrow, shallow, rapid-filled mostly not navigable So… South: many broad, deep, slow-moving many navigable (accessible by ocean-going vessels) So…
RIVERS North: difficult to travel inland seaports used for trade towns grow at natural harbors South: rivers allow easy access inland trade takes place along rivers fewer cities grow along coast or inland
RIVERS North: Roads needed for inland trade, but expensive, so most population stays along coast South: Rivers are “roads” Population spreads out, so homes farther apart
MIDDLE COLONIES Shorter winters than New England Fertile soil good for cash crops, especially grain So… “breadbasket” of colonies
MIDDLE COLONIES Cities grow up at excellent harbors: Philadelphia, at mouth of Delaware River New York, at mouth of Hudson River
BACKCOUNTRY Climate varies by latitude In/near Appalachian Mountains Rushing streams “fall line” makes river transportation difficult So…
BACKCOUNTRY So settlers became… Isolated Self-sufficient Suspicious of outsiders
BACKCOUNTRY Dense forests So… Hunting Trade with Native Americans Plenty of materials for cabins, fences
In which colony or region would you settle? Intro: name colony or region of your choice Body: explain two or more positive features of colony/region Give one reason for choosing your colony or region over another OR make an “even though” statement (tells negative feature of your choice) Closing: restate intro