1 Self Care Groups (SCG) in NLR Supported Districts in Jharkhand NLR Review Meeting New Delhi 3 rd to 5 th May 2010 Arvind Kumar NMS Jharkhand
2 Outline of Presentation Introduction Map of Jharkhand state- Showing PAL Homes Activities carried out in 1 st Quarter 2010 Outcome of SCG cohorts Need For Physical Rehabilitation Need For Socio-economic Rehabilitation Problems encountered and their solutions Other development IInd Quarter 2010 Activities with GANTT Chart
3 SCG started in 18 PAL Homes with 525 PAL practicing Self care in 58 groups.
4 Map of Jharkhand
5 Activities carried out in 1 st Quarter 10 Sl.N0.ActivitiesProposedCompletedRemarks On going activities 1Stakeholders meetingDhanbad Completed 2Quarterly Monitoring11 PAL homes9 PAL homes Bandh/other reasons Expansion Activities 1Stakeholders meetingJamtara Completed 2Trg.of FacilitatorsJamtara Completed 3Disability assessment7 PAL homes Completed 4Trg.of group Leaders7 PAL homes Completed 5SCG practices started7 PAL homes Completed
6 Outcome of SCG Cohort (As on 31 st March 2010) Cohort as per the no. of months completed Total SCG Members PAL with Ulcer No. Ulcer Healed N0. Healing Observed No. No Change/ Worsening No. Develope d New Disability/ Ulcer No. (%) ≥9-11 (Cohort’1’) NIL/3NIL ≥12 (Cohort ‘2’) NIL/2NIL Total: NIL/5NIL
7 Outcome …Cont Cohort as per the no. of months completed Total SCG Members Status of Skin on starting Status of Skin as of now Dry No. (%) Dry No. (%) ≥3-5 (Cohort ‘1’)8181 (100%)62 (77%) ≥6-8 (Cohort ‘2’)2020 (100%)18 (90%) ≥9-11 (Cohort ‘3’) (100%)101(83%) ≥12 (Cohort ‘4’) (94%)181(81%) Total (98%)335(75%)
8 Need for Physical Rehabilitation - District wise 1 st Quarter 2010 DistrictsNo. of PAL Homes Self Care Materials MCR Footwea r RCSCrutchesArtificia l Limbs Grips Aids Wheel Chairs Goggl es Ranchi0116/1615/15NIL/13/3NIL/3NIL/10NIL1/3 Bokaro15/5NIL/5NILNIL/1 NIL/2NIL Jamtara340/40NIL/37NIL/1NIL/3NIL/2NIL/20NILNIL/5 Ramgarh0222/22NIL/21NIL NIL/8NILNIL/1 Total783/8315/78NIL/23/7NIL/6NIL/40NILNIL/9
9 Need for Socio-economic Rehabilitation (District wise) DistrictsNo. of PAL homes Education No. Pension No. Employment No. Business No. Ranchi1NIL/216/16NIL/3 Bokaro1NIL5/5NIL/1NIL/4 Jamtara3NIL/1531/40NIL/25NIL/23 Ramgarh2NIL/1618/22NILNIL/16 Total7NIL/3370/83NIL/28NIL/46
10 Problems Encountered & Solutions S. No.Problem encounteredHow it was solved 1 MCR Chappals not provided to all needy PAL. Discussed at State level meeting, SLO distributed 60 pairs MCR to all districts. 2 PAL with Ulcer needed for dressing materials at Dhanbad Discuss with DLO,She purchase Dressing materials and provide to PAL less than requirement. 3Some PAL are facing recurrence of Ulcers. Counseling to PAL to take rest and move slowly to a short distance.
11 Other developments-1 st Quarter 10 Visit Leprosy Colonies by NLR President and Board member of NLR and distributed Aids and Appliances( Curtches-24 pairs, Goggles-30 pieces and Wheel Chairs- 5 pieces). Celebrate Anti Leprosy Day in Leprosy Colony Ranchi & 50 piece Blankets and 50 piece MCR distributed by Health Minister of Jharkhand. 50 piece Blankets distributed by PNB, Ranchi. 71 Mosquito nets distributed by DLO Bokaro. 8 Cataract operations done by Lions Club, Bokaro. 2 Boards fixed in PAL homes- regarding NLR supported SCG activities. Disability assessment Booklets & Learning materials provided by NLR. Contact VCT Chapa (CG) for PAL’s children/dependents for Vocational Trg.
12 DLO Bokaro providing crutches to Kumari Devi at Prem Nagar PAL Home, Bokaro NLR Project Manager providing wheelchair to Shanti Devi at Indra Ngr PAL Home, Ranchi NLR Project officer poroviding crutches to PAL at Indra Nagar, Ranchi Cultural programme by children of PALs during visit of NLR Project Manager and officer, at Bokaro
13 NLR President providing crutches to PAL at Aashadan PAL Home, Bokaro NLR Amsterdam officer providing MCR to PAL at Aashadan PAL Home, Bokaro DLO Dhanbad providing wheelchair to PAL at Birsa PAL home, Dhanbad Group leader demonstrating to member for self care practices at Bokaro
14 Sl.No.ActivitiesIInd Quarter AprMayJune 1For ongoing activities :Qtrly.Review Meeting- 11 PAL Home. Indira, Nirmala, Asha Dan : 1,2,3, Prem Nagar,,Bhojudih,Birsa,Baniahir,Mother Teressa & Pokhraha PAL Home. 2Stakeholders Meeting in District Bokaro Expansion Activities: 1Stakeholder Meeting in 1 district Ramgarh 2Disability assessment in 7 PAL Home. Gandhi Gram, Jivan Toli, Kirsunda, Angar Pathra, Lakarka PAL Homes in Dhanbad District. 3Training of Group Leaders-It will be done in above mentioned PAL Homes. IInd Quarter Activities with GANTT Chart for the year 2010
15 Contd….. Sl.No.ActivitiesAprilMayJune 4Quarterly Review Meeting in 7 PAL Home- Jamtara (Kangoie, Krishnanagar, Gandhi Nagar), Bokaro ( Hindustan), Ranchi ( Tapowan ), Ramgarh ( Bijulia & Jamara) PAL Home 5Stationeries 6Logistics 7Essay competition- Asha Dan Bokaro & Indira PAL Home, Ranchi