Acts That Break Apart an Empire Objective : I can explain the economic and political origins of the American Revolution. Preview : Answer: What actions would lead you to leave your country? Process : Albany Congress/Plan of Union and Proclamation of 1763 Guided notes. On Your Own : Acts foldable and Group “Gallery Crawl”
Albany Congress and Plan of Union Proclamation of 1763
Congress at Albany, 1754 Keith Hughes Explains the Albany Plan of Union 7 colonies gathered in Albany, NY to discuss how the colonies can unify and defend themselves after the French and Indian War. Ben Franklin : Proposed and wrote the Albany Plan of Union (thanks Iroquois nation for your awesome League of 6 nations, what a good idea!) A president appointed by Great Britain Elect representatives from each colony Make laws for colonies Raise taxes for colonies Set-up one defense for the colonies Colonists reject the plan before the King can even look at it! Important BECAUSE…it was a forerunner of the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution.
Why are there only 8 segments of the snake? Why do you think this image was so persuasive to colonists who may never have thought of the separate colonies as parts of a whole?
Proclamation of 1763 The prime result of Pontiac’s Rebellion. British policymakers used this proclamation. Imaginary line at the crest of the Appalachian Mountains › It forbid settlers to move west of the line › Ordered all settlers west of the line “to remove themselves” › No purchasing land from Indians. Colonists’ Response First of many laws issued by Parliament that would lead to the American Revolution. Many ignore it completely
Ahhh Lovely Salutary Neglect Americans see reduced government intervention in colonial affairs Leave them alone=produce more wealth Colonies develop self-reliance 13 separate colonial governments emerge Colonists get used to running own affairs
England Regulates Trade: Remember Mercantilism? By the 1700s trade flourished all along the Atlantic coast. As trade increased, England began to take a new interest in its colonies. England believed that its colonies existed for the benefit of the home country = mercantilism. England began passing a series of laws called the Navigation Acts that regulated trade between England and its colonies.
Mercantilism The English colonies are producing a LOT of goods and shipping them to England! Tobacco Lumber Indigo Wheat Rice Cotton
The laws passed in the Navigation Acts guarantee that only England would make money off the goods from its colonies. + = Goods shipped To England MONEY!
1.The laws encouraged colonists to build their own ships to transport their goods. New England became a prosperous ship building center. (Hmmm... this may come in handy when the colonists go to war with England!) 2.Colonial merchants always had a market (ENGLAND) to sell their goods.
End of Salutary Neglect 1763 marks new era in relations between England & colonies : Continuous attempts to enforce the Navigation Acts Enormous debt from 7 Years War (French and Indian War)- British want colonists to pay King George III sought increased control over colonies