Human Resources and Diversity Objectives 1.Describe the workforce, work environments and apply the principles of the field of dietetics 2.Discuss research on employee satisfaction. (Saari) 3.Relate environments to hiring policies and procedures. 4.Analyze methods for conducting performance appraisals. 5.Review components of a disciplinary action. 6.Describe benefits of diversity in the workplace 7.Consider specific challenges to the principles of diversity in the field of dietetics.
: Human Resources : Human Resources Departments: Monitor needs Support staff Guidance on legal issues Hiring Evaluates, authorizes and publishes job descriptions Screen potential applicants Training Convey culture Employment terms: FTE: Full time equivalent Describes staffing levels in a department
Work environments in dietetics and nutrition Human Resources: Work environments in dietetics and nutrition Types of compensation: Salaried worker; Compensatory Time; On-call Employee category Professionals Supervisory personnel Skilled workers Unskilled workers Status: Full time; Part time; Short time ( < 20 hours per week) Dietetics employment settings & unique HR environments Provide examples ____________
Concept Checks 1.Consider your career plans and intended employment environment. –How do you anticipate interacting with human resources professionals? –From the information provided in the first two slides offer some examples of HR challenges you may encounter in your intended employment environment. Human Resources and Diversity
Objectives 1.Describe the workforce, work environments and apply the principles of the field of dietetics 2.Discuss research on employee satisfaction. (Saari) 3.Relate environments to hiring policies and procedures. 4.Analyze methods for conducting performance appraisals. 5.Review components of a disciplinary action. 6.Describe benefits of diversity in the workplace 7.Consider specific challenges to the principles of diversity in the field of dietetics.
Concept Checks Saari Article: 2. How did the author define ‘employee attitudes and job satisfaction? 3. What are dispositional influences? What is your reaction to the research on disposition and employment satisfaction? 4. Describe how attitudes and satisfaction may vary by employment category (see slide # 3). Employee Attitudes
Human Resources and Diversity Objectives 1.Describe the workforce, work environments and apply the principles of the field of dietetics 2.Discuss research on employee satisfaction. (Saari) 3.Relate environments to hiring policies and procedures. 4.Analyze methods for conducting performance appraisals. 5.Review components of a disciplinary action. 6.Describe benefits of diversity in the workplace 7.Consider specific challenges to the principles of diversity in the field of dietetics.
Hiring Policies and Procedures 1. Identify the position Job Description that completely describes the role and function Requirements for the job Objective RD, CD, RD-eligible Education Continuing Education Experience Job Description Duties Used in recruitment and selection but also has legal implications on the job Not task oriented
Job Description (Continue) Example: Full-time Clinical duties Define client population Supervisory role Committee membership Continuing education In-service training to employees “Performs other duties as assigned” Hiring Policies and Procedures
2. Identify the compensation package This may be set by job classification salary benefits vacation comp time ______________________________________________________ A job description will usually be reviewed by the HR division The job posting may also be coordinated by the HR division Hiring Policies and Procedures
Job Announcements/ Descriptions Review sample job announcements/ descriptions: Are the necessary components present? What additional elements are included? Does the job description ‘sell’ the position? What else would you want to know about the position?
3. Identify who will review the applications for the first pass Type of facility a. Department function b. HR + Department 4. Plan the interview Semi-structured Structured Coordinated questions if more than one interviewer Search Committee Taking notes Hiring Policies and Procedures
5. Conduct the Interview Legalities - see issues regarding discrimination Do not ask questions that may infringe on personal rights Don’t ask about age, marital status, children, disabilities, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc. Closing the interview Provide a time frame Confirm numbers - phone, fax etc. Checking references When Confidentiality Confirm who you are speaking to - make sure they would have direct information on this person Hiring Policies and Procedures
Concept Checks Erickson Article: 2. What is a ‘signature’ experience and what are the elements of engagement? 3. Be prepared to comment on the examples provided from various companies. 4. Have you observed or experienced similar branding? 5. What was your ‘signature’ experience when considering graduate school? Hiring Policies and Procedures
Human Resources and Diversity Objectives 1.Describe the workforce, work environments and apply the principles of the field of dietetics 2.Discuss research on employee satisfaction. (Saari) 3.Relate environments to hiring policies and procedures. 4.Analyze methods for conducting performance appraisals. 5.Review components of a disciplinary action. 6.Describe benefits of diversity in the workplace 7.Consider specific challenges to the principles of diversity in the field of dietetics.
Purpose is to support growth Employee Institution/ Employer How am I doing? Who is the “I”? Performance Appraisals
Structured Non-structured Structured: Process: Form that has been reviewed by a representative committee Form is available for the employee to review, samples provided Date is set for annual performance evaluation - no surprises 1). Institutional and Department goals available 2). Personal goals should align with the overall goals 3). Strategic Plan Performance Appraisals
Performance Appraisals: Management by Objective (Previously discussed) Review objectives from the previous year Discuss accomplishments Review objectives that were not met Set objectives for the next year Clearly defined Evaluation planned At Performance evaluation review above Discuss strengths and weaknesses - Positive emphasized Summation
Performance Appraisals: Feedback Supervisor review - traditional Self-review Peer review 360º review Performance Appraisals
Concept Check 5. How can the principles described in the Saari article be incorporated into performance evaluations? Performance Appraisals
Human Resources and Diversity Objectives 1.Describe the workforce, work environments and apply the principles of the field of dietetics 2.Discuss research on employee satisfaction. (Saari) 3.Relate environments to hiring policies and procedures. 4.Analyze methods for conducting performance appraisals. 5.Review components of a disciplinary action. 6.Describe benefits of diversity in the workplace 7.Consider specific challenges to the principles of diversity in the field of dietetics.
Based a good foundation of mutual respect and open communication Institutional policy for disciplinary process Based on documentation Follow procedures Observe confidentiality Involve HR as necessary - consider this office an excellent resource for support D ISCIPLINARY A CTION
Procedure for Disciplinary Action Verbal warning Meeting State problem Discuss issues, be open to perceptions End on a positive note Try not to blindside a person Documentation at all steps Written warning Provide time for corrective action Period of probation may be included in policies Suspension Termination Urban Myths regarding termination of an employee D ISCIPLINARY A CTION
Human Resources and Diversity Objectives 1.Describe the workforce, work environments and apply the principles of the field of dietetics 2.Discuss research on employee satisfaction. (Saari) 3.Relate environments to hiring policies and procedures. 4.Analyze methods for conducting performance appraisals. 5.Review components of a disciplinary action. 6.Describe benefits of diversity in the workplace 7.Consider specific challenges to the principles of diversity in the field of dietetics.
Diversity: Recognize situations associated with discrimination Value cultural competency in the workplace Stats on diversity in American (Text) Gender Age Culture ADA Other: Human Resources and Diversity
Federal Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Laws: What Are the Federal Laws Prohibiting Job Discrimination? Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), which prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin; the Equal Pay Act of 1963 (EPA), which protects men and women who perform substantially equal work in the same establishment from sex-based wage discrimination; the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA), which protects individuals who are 40 years of age or older; Human Resources and Diversity
Federal Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Laws: What Are the Federal Laws Prohibiting Job Discrimination? Title I and Title V of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), which prohibit employment discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities in the private sector, and in state and local governments; Sections 501 and 505 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which prohibit discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities who work in the federal government; and the Civil Rights Act of 1991, which, among other things, provides monetary damages in cases of intentional employment discrimination. Human Resources and Diversity
n Discrimination may be based on: AgeDisability GenderPregnancy Race or EthnicityReligion Sexual OrientationUnion Support Immigrant Status Human Resources and Diversity
Concept Check 9. What issues specific to nutrition, dietetics and/or food service might pose problems for discrimination or respect for diversity? Human Resources and Diversity