M OBILE T ECHNOPRENEURSHIP Hendrik Gunawan – Yoga Mahesa P.K –
M OBILE T ECHNOPRENEUR Combination of Technology and Entrepreneur Definition: Entrepreneur involved with high technology, especially mobile devices
F ACTS W HY M OBILE IS I MPORTANT F OR B USINESS By 2015, 81% of U.S. cell users will have smartphones81% 91%91% of adults have their mobile phone within arms reach 24/7 99%99% of smartphone owners use their mobile browser at least once a day 82%82% of mobile media time is from apps, but 22% of apps are used just one time22% Adults spend more time on mobile media than newspapers and magazines combinedmore time on mobile
F ACTS W HY M OBILE IS I MPORTANT F OR B USINESS 1 in every 31 in every 3 new Facebook page "Likes" occurs via mobile 91%91% of local searchers use Facebook to find local businesses online American spend 2.7 hours per day socializing on their mobile phones – more than twice the time they spend eating2.7 hours per day 95%95% of mobile users use their devices for local search 77%77% of smartphone users contacted a business after searching for local information (61% called and 59% visited in person), 44% purchased
W HY S OME M OBILE E NTREPRENEURS H EAD O VERSEAS Innovation Market Opportunity Mobile App Market Testing Relevance to the local population The entrepreneur-help-entrepreneur model Government partnership
M OBILE B USINESS M ODELS Selling apps Freemium Extend existing business to mobile world Build app as subscription Mobilize existing technology Build an app that extends a web business
C RITERIA OF APP DEVELOPMENT Excellent user friendly design Easy integration/installation Robust Performance and power optimization Multimedia feature Bidirectional synchronization High security Location service Support other mobile platform Multilingual support
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