Latin America Chapter 3 Vocabulary review Give the key term for each of the following definitions
poor Latin American farmer or field worker
poor Latin American farmer or field worker -CAMPESINO
growing only enough food to meet the farmer’s needs
growing only enough food to meet the farmer’s needs-SUBSISTENCE FARMING
to leave one country to settle in another
to leave one country to settle in another -EMIGRATE
cowboys of the pampas of Argentina
cowboys of the pampas of Argentina -GAUCHOS
descendants of the people who first lived in a region
descendants of the people who first lived in a region –INDIGENOUS PEOPLE
a lively annual celebration just before lent
a lively annual celebration just before lent -CARNIVAL
Mexican factories that assemble imported parts to make products for export
Mexican factories that assemble imported parts to make products for export-MAQUILADORA
the Caribbean islands
the Caribbean islands –WEST INDIES
Person who comes into a foreign country to make a new home
Person who comes into a foreign country to make a new home -IMMIGRANT
a group of people who share the same ancestry, language, religion, or cultural traditions
a group of people who share the same ancestry, language, religion, or cultural traditions: ETHNIC GROUP
crop grown mostly for sale rather than for the farmer’s own use
crop grown mostly for sale rather than for the farmer’s own use –CASH CROP