A lecture presented by Dr. Rosalyn Howard University of Central Florida, Associate Professor of Anthropology Teacher Workshop Melbourne, Florida April 24, 2010
Intellectual ◦ Humans want explanations for the world around them. ◦ Religious beliefs provide explanations for puzzling things and events. Psychological ◦ Religion helps people cope with times of difficulty. ◦ The emotional or affective satisfactions that people derive from religion. Sociological ◦ Religion has a useful effect on human societies. ◦ Instills common values, creates solidarity, controls behavior
Diaspora – a Greek word meaning “ scattering ” or “ dispersion ” that was applied to Jews forced to leave Israel. Diaspora now refers to populations who as a result of wars, persecution, colonization, slavery, and similar events are forced or induced to migrate from their homelands.
Most Africans came from West coast from Senegambia region to Angola 50 Million Africans: survived the “Middle Passage” 45% Brazil 40% Caribbean 10% Spanish Mainland Colonies 5% North America
Indigenous ◦ Vodun ◦ Yorùbá ◦ Animism (spirit, nature) Islam Christianity ◦ Protestantism ◦ Catholicism
1. There is one God who created and controls the universe and all that is contained therein; 2. There are selected forces of nature which deal with the affairs of mankind on Earth and govern the universe in general; 3. The spirit of man lives on after death and can reincarnate back into the world of men; 4. Ancestral spirits have power over those who remain on Earth, and must be remembered, appeased, honored, and consulted by the living;
Spanish ◦ Catholic French ◦ Catholic British ◦ Protestant
Catholicism ◦ God ◦ Intermediaries (Saints) ◦ Humans Yorùbá & Some Indigenous Religions ◦ God ◦ Intermediaries (Orishas) ◦ Humans Protestant ◦ God ◦ Humans
How Did They Form? Syncretism Transfigurativism (John Mason)
1. Neo-African ◦ Vodou (Haiti), Santeria, Lucumi (Cuba, P.R., D.R.), Candomble & Macumba (Brazil); Shango (T & T) Regla De Ocha (Cuba, P.R.) 2. Afro Christianity ◦ Orisha (T & T, Grenada), Kumina & Convince (Jamaica) 3. Revivalist ◦ Charismatic Protestant incl. Pentecostals, Baptists, 7 th Day Adventists, Shouter & Spiritual Baptists (T & T), St. Vincent, Grenada, Guyana, Venezuela), Cohortes & Holiness movements (Haiti)
4. Divination ◦ Myalism (Jamaica); Espiritismo (P.R.); various Spiritist sects 5. Religio-Political Movements ◦ Rastafarian and Dread; Nation of Islam 6. Hindu ◦ Imported from Asia; (T & T, Guyana, Suriname) Not mutually exclusive Intrinsic part of the cultures they serve
Tell My Horse: Part 1, Jamaica Pocomania Cult: ◦ Neo-African (Syncretic) Religion Ethnocentric Terminology: ◦ “Barbaric” “Primitive”
Many Caribbean Immigrants Practicing many Afro Caribbean Religions Santeria Lucumi Vodun Spiritual Baptists And practicing African Religions Especially Yorùbá