Comments to Wegerif and Andriessen Sten Ludvigsen InterMedia University of Oslo
Comments Levels of understanding/explanation: Ontogenesis Micro genesis Sociogenesis Phylogenies Frames of interpretation
Comments…. Wegerifs paper Quality e-dialogues What are they and how can we support them Theoretical and “programmatic” paper and, Educational model
Comments…. Formal and normative models of dialogue/argumentation Idealized accounts Lack of empirical basis Four types of dialogues: inquiry, instruction, conversation, debate
Comments…. Types of talk Exploratory talk and higher order skills And … Playful talk (wegerif) Improvisation (holland, rasmussen)
Comments…. “The big idea of dialogic education is that development in the direction of dialogue considered as an end in it self lies teaching and learning higher order thinking”
Comments…. Higher order thinking Meta-cognitive strategies Self-regulation In dialogues – location ? Origins' – development?
Comments…. Problems: Dialogical essentialism? A-historical dialogues Constitution of dialogues The history of the dialogical activities The institutional aspects Agents history
Comments…. “Evidence” for the claim Empirical analysis of CSCL environments The designed environment is not the only resources that actors draw on Crook studies – Oslo/Göteborg/CHAT studies
Comments Dialogue as micro-genesis is constituted by – socio-genesis and ontogenesis
Comments What about higher order thinking Reflexive dialogue Do they constitute themselves Deep cognitive socialization and institutional frames Meta-communication, framing, perspectives, etc
Comments Designing for dialogues Categories Sentence openers Alternatives Teacher roles
Comments - conclusion Higher order thinking in micro-genesis is constituted by – socio-genesis and ontogenesis Level of explanation of what’s going on in dialogues…
Comments…. Andriessen et als paper Computer supported collaborative learning Knowledge acquisition Argumentation Knowledge advancements'
Comments… Key findings: Students tend to focus solutions rather than processes – even if the problems to be solved are open and complex Students tend to divide subtasks between rather than working together Students feel stuck by constraints rather than to overcome them Students use provided information and task structure as given not as negotiable or discussible Very sensitive to design features…
Comments… The KP-lab design principles Where do they come from – theoretical ideas and models of learning and knowledge advancements Models of …..
Comments… What about the empirical analysis Testing of hypothesis or empirical analysis of data based on middle level or intermediate concepts
Comments… Analytic concepts sensitive to the study of practice Not only based on concepts from the theory
Comments… Whats’ the relationship between models of learning and the empirical analysis? Illustration and examples – versus full scale analysis Problem: idea of a match
Comments… Conclusion Theory/approaches Design principles Empirical accounts Question: what types of generalizations