Las Casas after his “Conversion”
Given title Protector of the Indians by Charles V, , back to Hispaniola and Caribbean as “investigator” Preaches to governors, audiencias, and conquistadors to change their ways 1520s: Tries to set up ideal communities in Venezuela. (They don’t last.)
Venezuelan exception Rare example of Spain using company to develop colony Welser banking company has branch in Seville With this branch and its agents crown contracts (1528) to develop Venezuela Name of Welser kept out of contract
Back to Las Casas Early 1530s in Nicaragua Guatemala, : communities set up succeed and last Mexico : campaigns against mass and forced conversion From family of conversos Respects indigenous religion and argues that people cannot be expected to give these up quickly Conversion will be a slow process and require building up of trust Bishop of Chiapas, Excommunicates all who will not free their slaves and make restitution to them Faces Riots over New Laws, 1545
New Laws, Las Casas instrumental in getting these passed When encomendero dies, his holdings will revert to crown Indians will be freed with all rights of Spaniards Peruvians go into open revolt; riots and protests by Spaniards throughout Americas New Laws revoked, 1545
More on Las Casas 1550: Debate with Juan Gines de Sepulveda 1551: Resigns bishopric, devotes rest of life to writing 1566: Dies in Madrid
Evolutions of Las Casas’s views Slavery First thinks justified: prisoners of just war Advocates replacing Indian slaves with African Comes to condemn and oppose all slavery Spains right to rule Americas Philip II even more indifferent to Indians Las Casas opposes king’s rights in New World and argues Christians should withdraw