Columbian Exchange (textbook pages 59-60) Date: 8-17 Points: 0 Date due 8-18 Binder Page 7.


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Presentation transcript:

Columbian Exchange (textbook pages 59-60) Date: 8-17 Points: 0 Date due 8-18 Binder Page 7

Columbian Exchange Using the glossary in your textbook, pages Define the following terms: Columbian Exchange Mercantilism- (leave a little extra space) Triangular Trade Northwest Passage (Now read textbook pages 59-60)

Columbian Exchange The exchange of goods, ideas, and people between Europe and the Americas.

Mercantilism The theory that a state’s or nation’s power depended on its wealth. So the more trade & territory you control, the more powerful you are.

Triangular Trade Routes The trade routes between Europe, Africa and the Americas that carried raw materials to Europe and finished goods and slaves to Africa and the Americas.

Northwest Passage A water route short cut to Asia through North America sought by European explorers.

Columbian Exchange Motivation 1. Gold/Trade/Economic 2. God/Religion 3. Glory/Competition

Columbian Exchange Obstacles 1. Poor Maps

Columbian Exchange Obstacles 2. Disease/ Starvation 3. Fear of the Unknown 4. Lack of supplies

Columbian Exchange Achievements 1.Exchange goods & ideas New World Items: Corn, potatoes, tomatoes, squash, beans, chili peppers, tobacco, peanuts, cacao (chocolate) Old World Items: metal tools, grains, horses, cattle, chickens, sheep, apples, RELIGION

Columbian Exchange Achievements 2.Better maps and ships 3.Claimed new land- North and South America, the Caribbean Islands (West Indies), parts of Africa

Negative Effects of Columbian Exchange 1. European diseases like small pox, measles, malaria, yellow fever and the flu were accidentally spread to native populations and resulted in massive deaths (population declined by estimated 50%).

2. Slavery- Although it already existed in Africa and Asia, it starts in the new world because of a shortage of workers for the plantations.

Short Answer: “Life changed dramatically and forever after 1492 for both the New World and the Old World. Some of these changes were good, some were bad.” Explain the meaning of this quotation.

Short Answer: How has the Columbian Exchange impacted your daily life?