Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference LIMA, PERU 29 MAY – 2 JUNE, 2014
WELS East Asia mission field Asia Lutheran Seminary
History WELS began work in Hong Kong and Taiwan in the 1960’s. SALEM was formed in East Asia Team: Hong Kong Taiwan
History On May 29, 2005, WELS established Asia Lutheran Seminary (ALS) in Hong Kong. East Asia Team: Asia Lutheran Seminary President Emeritus, Dr. John Lawrenz
Current East Asia Team: Overview 6 missionaries 60+ FoC teachers 4 professors in Hong Kong 3 sister church bodies with 20 full time workers and total membership of 1250 “Facilitate a Chinese confessional Lutheran church planting movement”
77 full and part time students 4 full time faculty AATh, BTh, MAR, M.Div East Asia Team Asia Lutheran Seminary “Facilitate a Chinese confessional Lutheran church planting movement” Current
“Facilitate a Chinese confessional Lutheran church planting movement” 6 full time M.Div students Monthly intensive classes Rotating locations and professors Innovative Greek and Hebrew program Current East Asia Team Asia Lutheran Seminary – Satellite Program
6 missionaries 60+ FoC teachers in 6 cities 4 church starts, several more starting. 600+ in Bible Studies on a weekly basis. 65 in Advanced Training or Pre-Seminary Courses “Facilitate a Chinese confessional Lutheran church planting movement” Current East Asia Team
Prayer Requests Please Pray For: ALS National workers Church planting East Asia Team “Facilitate a Chinese confessional Lutheran church planting movement”
Contact Asia Lutheran Seminary 688 Shanghai St. 8F Kowloon, HONG KONG (852) East Asia Team “Facilitate a Chinese confessional Lutheran church planting movement”