Plasma Science and Applications Committee Report Brendan Godfrey, PSAC ExCom Chair 3 November 2012 NPSS AdCom Meeting
Fall ExCom Election Results New PSAC ExCom Chair (2-yr term) –TBD* New PSAC ExCom Vice-Chair –TBD* New Members (3-yr term) –John Giuliani, Michael Kong, Mark Kushner, Mounir Laroussi, Tom Mehlhorn, Peter Stoltz New AdCom rep (4-yr term) –John Luginsland All changes effective 1 January 2013 Contact information and subcommittee assignments – (soon) * ExCom vote postponed due to Hurricane Sandy
Motion Relating to PSAC Election PSAC moves that AdCom authorize a one-time exception to provisions of the PSAC Bylaws dealing with the election of the Chair and Vice Chair, and dealing with the procedure used to select the winner of the 2013 PSAC award. 1.The ballots for ExCom Chair and Vice-Chair are to be counted by the Secretary of PSAC, and the results announced to the current Chair and to ExCom. 2.The PSAC Award winner will be determined by majority vote in a teleconference presided over by the PSAC Chair, provided that advance notice of the teleconference is given and that a quorum is participating, bypassing the procedures outlined in the Bylaws.
ICOPS 2012 a Great Success 8 – 12 July 2011,Edinburgh, UK Michael Kong, Chair 611 attendees; 821 abstracts 15.6% return achieved 19 regular, 18 student IEEE members recruited Plasma Medicine and Health Care mini-course –45 students Gennady Mesyats received IEEE Marie Sklodowska- Curie Award (from Peter Staecker, IEEE President-Elect) Mounir Laroussi received NPSS Merit Award Andrew Ng received PSAC Award Boaz Rubenstein received Outstanding Student Award
3rd ICOPS held outside North America with significant international exposure (71% papers from outside N America) Excellent scientific program (two award speeches, diverse topics) High attendance from students (36%) and non- IEEE members (58%) – engagement of non- regulars Financial strain addressed with lean organization and engagement of European and Asian groups Useful lessons based on historical data, and potential need for review of topic areas Chairman Kong’s Summary
Future ICOPS ICOPS 2013 (joint with Pulsed Power) –9 – 14 June 2013, San Francisco, California USA –Chair: Brian Oliver, PPST –PSAC Technical Co-chair: John Verboncoeur ICOPS 2014 / Beams 2014 –25 – 30 May 2014, Washington, DC USA –Chair: Joseph Schumer ICOPS 2015 –Spring 2015 – Antalya, Turkey –Chair: Lutfi Oksuz (assistance from Edl Schamiloglu) ICOPS 2016 –June 2016 – Banff, Alberta, Canada
Igor Alexeff Outstanding Student in Plasma Science Award Igor a distinguished scientist, inventor, teacher Founded PSAC, hosted first ICOPS, promoted plasma engineering in many ways –Also contributed significantly to NPSS in its early years Died recently from ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) Action underway to rename PSAC Outstanding Student Award in his honor –Proposed by PSAC –Endorsed by NPSS –Endorsed by TABARC –Awaiting TAB approval