Words for Production 1. poll [ pol ] n. [C] a survey in which a number of people chosen by chance are asked their ideas about something or someone 民意調查 A recent poll shows that 80% of children in Taiwan watch TV more than one hour a day. 詞類變化 * a number of = some 一些 * by chance = by accident = accidentally 意外地
poll [ pol ] vt. 做民調 The researcher polled 500 families on what TV programs they like most.
Words for Production 2. col lege [ `kAlIdZ ] n. [U][C] a school for higher or professional education 學院;大學 After graduating from high school, I will go to college for further study. 更進一步的
Words for Production 3. hos tile [ `hAstL ] adj. unfriendly; showing dislike 不友善 的;有敵意的 be hostile to … 對 … 有敵意的 Although my boss has a hostile look, he’s really a nice guy. hostility n. 敵意
Words for Production 4. con vin ced [ k1n`vInst ] adj. completely sure about (something) 確信的,確定的 I was convinced that we were doing the right thing. 詞類變化 *S be convinced that S + V. = S believe that S + V. 相信 …
convince [ k1n`vIns ] vt. 使信服 Your explanation might sound real, but it doesn’t convince me.
Words for Production 5. go vern ment [ `G^v2nm1nt ] n. [C] the group of people who rule 政府 The government is going to carry out land reforms. 土地改革 實現
Words for Production 6. slender [ `slEnd2 ] adj. thin 纖細的,苗條的 Even though she’s 35, she’s still as slender as a young girl. * even though = even if 即使
Words for Production 7. model [ `mAdL ] n. [C] a small representation or copy of something 模型 You can get a better idea of what the new building will look like by looking at the model.
Words for Production 8. un i den ti fied [ &^naI`dEnt1&faId ] adj. whose name, nature, or origin has not been found 未被確認的 An unidentified airplane invaded American airspace. 詞類變化 入侵
i den ti fy [ aI`dEnt1&faI ] vt. 確認 It’s amazing how a baby can identify its mother by her voice and smell.
i den ti ty [ aI`dEnt1tI ] n. [C][U] 身分 Being a spy, James Bond always keeps his identity a secret. ID card 身份證 identical adj. 同一的 identical twin 同卵雙胞胎 fraternal twin 異卵雙胞胎 間諜
Words for Production 9. army [ `ArmI ] n. [C] (the ~) a nation’s military force, especially those trained to fight on land 軍隊; 陸軍 After graduating from college, my brother went into the army.
Words for Production 10. pub lish [ `p^blIS ] vt. to print (an article, a letter, etc.) in a newspaper or magazine 刊登, 出版 Hardy felt very excited when he found his letter had been published in the newspaper. 詞類變化
publisher [ `p^blIS2 ] n. [C] 出版商 The publisher planned to produce the journal on a weekly basis. 製作 期刊 ( 雜誌 ) 以每周的方式
Words for Production 11. crash [ kr8S ] vi. to have a violent and noisy accident ( 飛機 ) 墜毀, ( 汽車 ) 相撞 The airplane crashed into a mountainside, killing 150 people. 詞類變化
crash [ kr8S ] n. [C] ( 飛機 ) 墜毀, ( 汽車 ) 相撞 All the passengers were killed in the plane crash.
Words for Production 12. deny [ dI`naI ] vt. to say that something is not true 否認 Sam denies that he took my CD player, but I’m sure he did.
Words for Production 13. an ni ver sa ry [ &8n1`v3s1rI ] n. [C] 週年紀念日 a date which is remembered or celebrated because a special event happened on that date exactly a year or a number of years before My wife will be mad at me if I forget our wedding anniversary.
14. rumor [ `rum2 ] n. [C] a story or piece of information that may or may not be true, but that people are talking about 謠言,傳說 There is a rumor going around that the beautiful singer will marry a rich old man. rumored adj. 謠傳的 Words for Production 謠傳 = Rumor has it that = It is rumored that
Words for Production 15. landing [ `l8ndI9 ] n. [C] an act of moving down onto the ground 降落 One person died after the pilot of a light aircraft was forced to make a crash landing in the field. 詞類變化 * make a crash landing 迫降
land [ l8nd ] vi. 著陸,降落 Our plane landed safely at Chiang Kai-shek International Airport. * Chiang Kai-shek International Airport 桃園中正國際機場
Words for Production 16. desert [ `dEz2t ] n. [C] a large sandy piece of land where there is very little rain and not many plants 沙漠 It is easy to get lost in a desert because there’s nothing there but sand. * a piece of land 一塊地 * but = except 除了 … 以外 …
Words for Production 17. degree [ dI`Gri ] n. [C] a unit of measurement 度, 程度 The temperature was 20 degrees Celsius in the morning. To what degree can we trust him? * Celsius 攝氏 Fahrenheit 華氏 到什麼程度
Words for Production 18. sus pi cious [ s1`spIS1s ] adj. not trusting 懷疑的 Her parents have become suspicious of her strange behavior. 詞類變化 * be suspicious of 懷疑
sus pi cion [ s1`spIS1n ] n. [U] 懷疑 She treated him with suspicion after she learned about his past.
Words for Production 19. being [ `biI9 ] n. [C] a living thing 生物, 存在的生命體 Every being on earth depends on the environment.
Words for Production 20. quarter [ `kwOrt2 ] n. [C] a 4th part of a whole 四分之一 It’s a quarter to ten; that’s 9:45.
Words for Production 21. site [ saIt ] n. [C] the place where an event happened 現場 The police are reported to have reached the crash site in the mountains.
Words for Production 22. stuffed [ `st^ft ] adj. filled with something 填充的 I hate stuffed toys because I am allergic to them. 詞類變化 * be allergic to + N 對 … 過敏
stuff [ st^f ] vt. 填,塞 n. [U] 東西 Don’t stuff your mouth so full with food.
Words for Production 23. fea ture [ `fitS2 ] vt. to include as a special part 以 … 為特 色,以 … 為號召 Our age is featured by great technological progress. 詞類變化 時代 進步
feature [ `fitS2 ] n. [C] 特色;特徵 Wet weather is a feature of life in Scotland.
Words for Production 24. in va sion [ In`veZ1n ] n. [C][U] (the act of) attacking and spreading into so as to take control of (a country, city, etc.) 侵略,侵犯 The bad weather stopped Napoleon’s invasion of Russia. 詞類變化 *so as to + V = in order to + V = to + V 為了 … * take control of 控制
invade [ In`ved ] vt. 侵略,侵犯 Japanese invaded and governed Taiwan for about half a century.
1. outer space [ &a5t2 `spes ] n. [U] the space outside the Earth’s air, where the planets and stars are 外太空 Words for Recognition
2. flying saucer [ &flaII9 `sOs2 ] n. [C] also flying disk, a plate-shaped spaceship which is believed to come from another world 飛碟 Words for Recognition * N-p.p. 為併合形容詞
3. alien [ `elj1n ] n. [C] a creature from another world; a foreigner 外星人;外國人 Words for Recognition
4. almond-shaped [ `Am1nd&Sept ] adj. in the form of the nut of a fruit tree 杏 形的 Words for Recognition * in the form of 成 … 形狀 …
5. Roswell [ `rAswEl ] n. a town in New Mexico 羅斯威爾鎮 Words for Recognition
6. New Mexico [ nju`mEks1&ko ] n. a state in the southwest of the United States 新墨西哥州 Words for Recognition
7. sheriff [ `SErIf ] n. [C] (in the US) an elected officer responsible for public order 郡法律執 行官,警長 Words for Recognition
8. press release [ `prEs rI&lis ] n. [C] a written statement about a matter of public interest which is given to the press by an organization, etc. ( 發布的 ) 新聞稿 Words for Recognition * the press 新聞界
9. weather balloon [ `wED2 b1`lun ] n. [C] a balloon carrying instruments up into the sky to make atmospheric measurements 氣象球 Words for Recognition *make measurements 做測量
10. magnet [ `m8GnIt ] n. [C] any object, especially a piece of iron, which can draw other iron or steel objects towards it or push them away 磁鐵 Words for Recognition
11. alien-based [ `elj1n&best ] adj. in which alien is the main subject 以 外星人為主的 Words for Recognition
1. cover up to prevent (something) from being noticed 掩蓋,掩飾 He covered up his mistakes by telling lies. Idioms and Phrases * Tell a lie Tell lies 說謊
2. turn...over to give (someone or something) to (somebody who asks for it because he/she has a right to it) 移交 They turned the thief over to the police. Idioms and Phrases
3. send out to send (letters, leaflets, a piece of information, etc.) to a large number of people at the same time 發布 The bride-to-be sent out two hundred invitations. Idioms and Phrases * a large/great number of + 複數名詞 = a lot of + 複數名詞 * N-to-be 準 … bride-to-be doctor-to-be father-to -be
4. look for to try to find 尋找 I’ll look for a present for Alice while I am in town. Idioms and Phrases
5. play up to emphasize something and try to make people believe that it is important 強調,大肆宣傳 The report plays up the effect of the new medicine, but it may not be true. Idioms and Phrases
Paragraph 1 What do most people think of aliens?
Paragraph 2 What is UFO?
Paragraph 3 Where and when did the incident about “the flying saucer” happen?
Paragraph 4 What is the Roswell incident about? What did some people say?
Paragraph 5 On the fiftieth anniversary of the Roswell incident, what did the people do?
Paragraph 6 What idea leads people to believe there are beings who are more intelligent than we are?
Paragraph 7 How does the media play up the belief on aliens?
Paragraph 8 Why is it impossible to deny the existence of aliens?
there is so much common knowledge about aliens In fact, that people can even describe what they look like: tall and slender, with huge heads and almond-shaped eyes. 描述 苗條的 杏仁形的 如此 … 以致於 … 間接問句 當 describe 的受詞 有著 almond-shaped ( 名詞 -ed) 為複合形容詞 eg. 白髮的 white-haired, 高價的 high-priced 獨眼的 one-eyed
補述用法類似同位語 (My son, Jim, is six years old.), 含義是 「 也就是獨一無二的那一個 」 Roswell, New Mexico, is over fifty years ago. where it all started, 關係子句 修飾先行詞 the place (the place) 原句為 : Roswell, New Mexico, is the place. It all started in the place. 關係詞所要代替的是第二句的 in the place, 因此要用 where( 關 係副詞 ), 而不能用 which( 關係代名詞 ) He gave it to the sheriff, who turned it over to the army. 警長 把它交給 … 關係子句 ( 補述用法 ), 修飾先行詞 sheriff
that three to five alien bodies had been found. 被動語態過去進行式 The bodies were being kept Some people said that a spaceship had crashed on farmland and 墜毀 連接兩個引述文的子句, 第二個 that 不能省略, 若是省 略, 則 and 變成連接 Some people said… 和 three to five alien bodies… by the government 政府 祕密的 in a secret place. 每個句子都可由三方面來分析:時態、動態、語態 時態有:現在、過去、未來。語態有:主動、被動。 動態(動作的狀態)有:簡單、 進行、 完成、 完成進行。
將句子用被動語態改寫 : ( 課本 p.54) 1. Someone was playing a Beetles song when I entered the room. A Beetles song was being played when I entered the room. 2. Someone is giving away free samples of milk on the street. Free samples of milk are being given away on the street. 3. Someone was taking Jerry to the hospital when the police called me. Jerry was being taken to the hospital when the police called me. 4. The detective felt that someone was following him. The detective felt that __________________________. 5. The languages of the world’s dominant cultures are replacing those of smaller cultures. The languages of smaller cultures are being replaced by those of the world’s dominant cultures. he was being followed
受詞 名詞子句, 為 believe 的受詞 主詞 動詞 said Seventy-one percent of the people polled they believed the government knew more than they were telling people. 做民調 (who were) 分詞片語修飾 people 連接詞 後接子句 比…比…
On the fiftieth anniversary of the rumors of a spaceshiplanding, more than 100,000 people gathered in the desert town,where the temperature can reach 110 degrees. 週年紀念日 謠言降落 沙漠 溫度 達到度 不止, 超過 分詞片語 分詞片語修飾 spaceship 原為關係子句 which landed 關係子句為主動語態 ( 過去式 ) 改成分詞片語用現在分詞 關係副詞 = in the town 關係子句修飾 the desert town 在子句中是當副詞, 故不用 which 關係子句補述用法: 補充說明這個 desert town 的情況, 而不是要限定 「是哪個 desert town 」 ( 限定用法沒有逗號 )
believe 的受詞 關係子句修飾 beings 動詞 表示時間的副詞子句 They went out in the hot sun to look for the burn markthe spaceship left when it crashed against a rock. 尋找 燒灼的痕跡留下來 墜毀與 … 相對 (which) 關係子句修飾 burn mark Perhaps this leads them to believe there are beingswho are more intelligent than we are. 引導 存在 ( 有生 命 ) 的實體 聰明的 連接詞 後接子句
主詞 So many stories of people who claimto have seen UFOs 宣稱 受詞補語 受詞 (it 所指的事件 ) 受詞 (it 所指的事件 ) 受詞 ( 虛受詞 ) 動詞 to deny their existence.make it impossible 關係子句修飾 people 否認存在 to have seen( 不定詞的完成式 ) 表示 「在 claim 之前就已經 see 了」, 原為 people who claim that they saw ( 或 have seen) UFOs
以 make/find… + it + 形容詞 + to+ 原形動詞 完成句子 : ( 課本 p.55) 1. airplane / make / convenient / travel around the world Airplanes make it convenient to travel around the world. 2. cell phone / make / possible / communicate with people far away in less than a minute Cell phones make it possible to communicate with people far away in less than a minute. 3. Jerry / find / lucky / get his lost wallet back Jerry found it lucky to get his lost wallet back. 4. many students / think / difficult / learn to speak English Many students think it difficult to learn to speak English. 5. people / consider / impolite / point at others People consider it impolite to point at others.