Communication Under Normed Uncertainties S. Z. Denic School of Information Technology and Engineering University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada C. D. Charalambous Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus S. M. Djouadi Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA Dec 9, 2004 Robust Capacity of White Gaussian Noise with Uncertainty
2 Overview Importance of Uncertainty in Communications Shannon’s Definition of Capacity Review of Maximin Capacity Paper Contributions
3 Overview Main Results Examples Conclusion and Future Work
4 Importance of Communication Subject to Uncertainties Channel measurement errors Network operating conditions Channel modeling Communication in presence of jamming Sensor networks Teleoperations
5 Shannon’s Definition of Capacity
6 Model of communication system Source Encoder Decoder Sink Channel +
7 R is achievable rate if there exists a sequence of codes (M=2 nR,n) such that the probability of error tends to zero as n tends to infinity. The operational capacity is the supremum of all achievable rates. Shannon’s Definition of Capacity
8 Discrete memoryless channel Channel capacity depends on channel transition matrix Q(y|x) that is known
9 What if Q(y|x) is unknown ? Example: compound BSC What is the channel capacity ? Shannon’s Definition of Capacity 1-
10 Additive Gaussian Channels Random Variable Case Shannon’s Definition of Capacity
11 What is the capacity if noise is unknown? Gaussian AVC Statistic of is unknown Shannon’s Definition of Capacity
12 Additive Gaussian Channels Random Process Case Shannon’s Definition of Capacity + x y n
13 Random process case derivation Shannon’s Definition of Capacity
14 Capacity of continuous time additive Gaussian channel Shannon’s Definition of Capacity
15 Range of integration What is the capacity if the frequency response of the channel H, or psd of the noise S n belong to certain sets? Shannon’s Definition of Capacity
16 Water-filling Shannon’s Definition of Capacity
17 Review of Maximin Capacity
18 Example: compound DMC This result is due to Blackwell et. al. [6]. Also look at Csiszar [8], and Wolfowitz [21] Blachman [5], and Dobrushin [12] were first to apply game theoretic approach in computing the channel capacity with mutual information as a pay-off function for discrete channels Review of Minimax Capacity
19 Review of Minimax Capacity The existence of saddle point ? For further references see Lapidoth, Narayan [18]
20 Gaussian AVC (GAVC) Channels Hughes, and Narayan [16] determined the -capacity of discrete time GAVC for averaged, and peak power constraints imposed on channel, and transmitted sequence for random codes Hughes, and Narayan [17] determined the capacity of vector discrete time GAVC accompanied with water-filling equation, and proved the saddle point Csiszar, and Narayan [9] determined the capacity of GAVC for deterministic codes Ahlswede [1] computed the channel capacity of GAVC when the noise variance varies but does not exceed certain bound Review of Minimax Capacity
21 Gaussian AVC (GAVC) Channels McEliece [22] was first to apply game theoretic approach on continuous channels with mutual information as pay-off function Basar, and Wu [3] considered jamming Gaussian channels with mean-square error pay-off function Diggavi, and Cover [23] used the game theoretic approach to find the worst case noise when the covariance matrix constraint is imposed on the noise Baker [2] computed the channel capacity of M-dimensional Gaussian continuous time channels with energy constraints posed on the transmitted signal, and jammer Root, and Varaiya [20] considered the capacity of white noise Gaussian continuous time compound channel Review of Minimax Capacity
22 Gaussian AVC (GAVC) Channels Vishwanath, et. al. [24], computed the worst case capacity of Gaussian MIMO channels by applying duality principle Review of Minimax Capacity
23 Paper Contributions
24 Modeling of uncertainties in the normed linear spaces H ∞, and L 1 Explicit channel capacity formulas for SISO communication channels that depend on the sizes of uncertainty sets for uncertain channel, uncertain noise, and uncertain channel, and noise Explicit water-filling formulas that describe optimal transmitted powers for all derived channel capacities formulas depending on the size of uncertainty sets Paper Contributions
25 Our computation does not require the saddle point because it relies on the work of Root, and Varaiya [20], and Gallager [15] Our approach enables us to deal in the same time with two types of uncertainties (frequency response of the channel, and noise uncertainties) that has not been done until now (to our best knowledge) Paper Contributions
26 Our approach gives the solution to the jamming problem for continuous time channels accompanied with optimal transmitter and jammer strategies in terms of the optimal PSD’s. We show that the optimal PSD of the signal is proportional to the optimal PSD of the noise We also show the existence of the saddle point Paper Contributions
27 The optimal encoding, and decoding techniques for non-stationary Gaussian source in the presence of feedback for wireless flat-fading channel are derived It is shown that there exists analogy between optimal encoding, and decoding problem in Communications, and optimal tracking problem in Control The condition for perfect tracking over a wireless channel is derived Thesis Contributions
28 Main Results
29 Model Communication system model + x n y
30 Both could be unknown Unknown transfer function can be model by using additive uncertainty and where Other models are possible: multiplicative Communication system model
31 Communication system model Uncertainty models: additive and multiplicative + +
32 Example Communication system model / (1- ) Re Im / (1+ ) //
33 The uncertainty set is described by the ball in frequency domain centered at and with radius of Communication system model
34 Channel capacity with uncertainty Define four sets
35 Overall PSD of noise is and uncertainty is modeled by uncertainty of filter or by the set A 4 Channel capacity with uncertainty
36 Mutual information rate is pay-off function Channel capacity with uncertainty
37 Three problems could be defined Noise uncertainty Channel uncertainty Channel capacity with uncertainty I
38 Channel – noise uncertainty Channel capacity with uncertainty I
39 Channel capacity with channel-noise uncertainty Theorem 1. Assume that is bounded and integrable. Channel capacity with uncertainty I
40 Channel capacity is given parametrically Channel capacity with uncertainty I
41 Such that where * is related to Lagrange multiplier, and is obtained from constraint equation. Infimum over noise uncertainty is achieved at Channel capacity with uncertainty I
42 Mutual information rate after minimization is give as Channel capacity with uncertainty I
43 Infimum over channel uncertainty is achieved at Channel capacity with uncertainty I
44 Mutual information rate after second minimization is give as Channel capacity with uncertainty I
45 Maximization gives water – filling equation Channel capacity with uncertainty I
46 Channel capacity with uncertainty I Water – filling
47 Jamming Noise uncertainty Channel – noise uncertainty Channel capacity with uncertainty II
48 Capacity for noise uncertainty case is obtained for Theorem 2. Assume that is bounded, and integrable. Define sets Channel capacity with uncertainty II
49 The lower value C - of pay-off function is defined as and is given by Theorem 2. The upper value C + is defined by Channel capacity with uncertainty II
50 Channel capacity is given as where are Lagrange multipliers Channel capacity with uncertainty II
51 The lower value C - is equal to the upper value C + implying that the saddle point exists The optimal PSD of the noise is proportional to the optimal PSD of the transmitter, which can be explained such that the players in the game try to match each other Channel capacity with uncertainty II
52 Channel coding theorem Define the frequency response of equivalent channel with impulse response and ten sets
53 Channel coding theorem
54 1) has finite duration 2) 3) Sets K i are conditionally compact sets. Channel coding theorem
55 Positive number R i is called attainable rate for the set of channels K i if there exists a sequence of codes such that when then uniformly over set K i. Theorem 1. The operational capacities C i (supremum of all attainable rates R i ) for the sets of communication channels with the uncertainties K i are given by corresponding computed capacity formulas. Proof. Follows from [15], and [20] (see [11]) Channel coding theorem
56 SNR and mutual information Wireless channel with feedback
57 Wireless channel with feedback SNR and mutual information
58 Wireless system model Wireless channel with feedback
59 Optimal encoding, and decoding Wireless channel with feedback
60 Analogy between optimal encoding and tracking Wireless channel with feedback + x y n - decoder
61 Necessary condition for zero asymptotic error Wireless channel with feedback
62 Uncertain channel, white noise Transfer function Example 1
63 Channel capacity Example 1
64 P = W N 0 = W/Hz = 1000 rad/s Example 1
65 Example 2 Uncertain noise Transfer function Noise uncertainty description
66 Example 2
67 Example 2
68 Example 3 Uncertain channel, uncertain noise Damping ration is uncertain The noise uncertainty is modelled as in the Example 2
69 Example 3
70 Example 3
71 Currently generalizing these results to uncertain MIMO channels Future work
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