SAFESPOT Project Kick off Meeting February 16 th and 17 th 2006 Rome 1 Integrated Project Co-operative Systems for Road Safety “Smart Vehicles on Smart Roads” SP1 – SAFESPOT In-Vehicle Sensing and Platform Elena Bianco Centro Ricerche FIAT (Italy), SP1 SAFEPROBE Co-leader SAFESPOTSAFESPOT
SAFESPOT Project Kick off Meeting February 16 th and 17 th 2006 Rome 2 SAFESPOT – SP1 WP1.3 Specification Task Internal Data Fusion Specification Task Data Refinement Specification
SAFESPOT Project Kick off Meeting February 16 th and 17 th 2006 Rome 3 SAFESPOT – SP1 – WP 1.3
SAFESPOT Project Kick off Meeting February 16 th and 17 th 2006 Rome 4 SAFESPOT – SP1 – WP 1.3 WORK PLAN M7 – M12 M12 – M18
SAFESPOT Project Kick off Meeting February 16 th and 17 th 2006 Rome 5 SAFESPOT – SP1 – WP 1.3 WORK PLAN Work-package No Workpackage titleLeader Person- months Start month End month WP1.3SpecificationBOSCH65.5M 7M 18 Task Internal Data Fusion Specification CRFM7M12 Task 1.3.4Data refinement Specification CRFM12M18 PartnersCRFREGIENOVVOLVOBOSCHPIAGGIOIBEOSVDOICCSMMSE Task xxxxxx Task 1.3.4xxxx
SAFESPOT Project Kick off Meeting February 16 th and 17 th 2006 Rome 6 SAFESPOT – SP1 – WP 1.3 WP DELIVERABLES LIST Deliverables No Deliverable titleNature Due Date Type Partner responsible D1.3.1Data fusion specifications R M15 RECRF D1.3.2 HW and SW platform specifications R M18 COBOSCH D1.3.3Data fusion public specifications R M19 PUCRF, BOSCH D1.3.4HW and SW platform public specifications RM19PUCRF, BOSCH
SAFESPOT Project Kick off Meeting February 16 th and 17 th 2006 Rome 7 SAFESPOT – SP1 – WP 1.3 TASK Internal Data Fusion Specification Leaded by CRF – Other Partners involved: VOLVO, BOSCH, PIAGGIO, IBEO, ICCS Start month: 7 - End month: 12 Main Activities: 1. Development of data fusion algorithms at different levels depending on: a. specific goal to reach; b. type of vehicles (cars, trucks, motorcycles) and equipment considered. 2. Implementation of data packages to be transmitted to the environment through V2V and V2I communication, using protocol defined within SP3 Synergy with IP Prevent – ProFusion II ( Specification of the internal data fusion will be adapted from the recommendation of the sub-project ProFusion II. Final result D1.3.1 Data fusion specification (M15)
SAFESPOT Project Kick off Meeting February 16 th and 17 th 2006 Rome 8 SAFESPOT – SP1 – WP 1.3 IP Prevent – ProFusion II Sub-project leader Su-Birm Park – DELPHI 1st PReVENT Fusion Forum Workshop: 8 March 2006 VOLVO Brussels Office The agenda is available at
SAFESPOT Project Kick off Meeting February 16 th and 17 th 2006 Rome 9 SAFESPOT – SP1 – WP 1.3 TASK Data Refinement Specification Leaded by CRF – Other Partners involved: VOLVO, BOSCH, MMSE Start month: 12 - End month: 18 Main Activities: 1.To link the SP1 data fusion specifications with the requirements defined in the SP3 connected to the propagation of the data packets and their broadcast inside geographical areas. 2.To specify a data framework towards the applications 3.To define in a formal/ semantic way the data structures to be exchanged through V2V and V2I 4.To develop a common interfaces and protocol in a suitable way to make easy the integration of the SAFEPROBE platform. Synergy with SAFESPOT – SP3 SINTECH
SAFESPOT Project Kick off Meeting February 16 th and 17 th 2006 Rome 10 SAFESPOT – SP1 – WP 1.3 SP1 - WP1.3 Specification Legend: I/F = Interface
SAFESPOT Project Kick off Meeting February 16 th and 17 th 2006 Rome 11 SAFESPOT – SP1 – WP 1.3 PARTNERS CONTRIBUTIONS TASK CRF Task Leader. Leads the specification activities for on-board data fusions algorithms for cars, trucks and motorcycles. Responsibility of the D VOLVO Providing information on truck specific data fusion issues. BOSCH Contributions to the specification of information (object, attribute) fusion architectures and algorithms (tracking, data association, time stamping/synchronization) at various levels (sensor to central/map level) and for defined vehicle sub-networks (e.g. surround sensor bus, vehicle dynamics CAN, navigation/multimedia bus, communication/WLAN).
SAFESPOT Project Kick off Meeting February 16 th and 17 th 2006 Rome 12 SAFESPOT – SP1 – WP 1.3 PARTNERS CONTRIBUTIONS TASK PIAGGIO Merging of data coming from communication, both from other vehicles and from infrastructure. IBEO Contribution to the specification of data fusion, in particular fusion of cooperative on-board sensor data with external information received via V2V/V2I. ICCS Contribution to the specification of the data fusion algorithms.
SAFESPOT Project Kick off Meeting February 16 th and 17 th 2006 Rome 13 SAFESPOT – SP1 – WP 1.3 PARTNERS CONTRIBUTIONS TASK CRF Definition and description of formal semantic structure of the data for the vehicles and cooperative environment. VOLVO Contribution to the specification of the interfaces for truck specific applications. MMSE Contribution to the definition of formal semantic data structures; development of common interface and protocol.
SAFESPOT Project Kick off Meeting February 16 th and 17 th 2006 Rome 14 SAFESPOT – SP1 – WP 1.3 Proposal of working phase
SAFESPOT Project Kick off Meeting February 16 th and 17 th 2006 Rome 15 SAFESPOT – SP1 – WP 1.3 (*) Renault plans to equip one of its vehicles as defined in SP1, even if not funded in SP1. The purpose is to facilitate the final integration phase in terms of layout, vehicle information, synergy constraints, etc. The main SP1 test are done by VOLVO, CRF and PIAGGIO. PartnerType of demonstratorNumber of vehicle To be used in other SAFESPOT SPs CRFCar1SP4 VOLVOTruck1SP4 REGIENOVCar (*)1SP4 / SP5 PIAGGIOMotorcycle2SP4 SAFESPOT – SP1 demonstrator vehicles
SAFESPOT Project Kick off Meeting February 16 th and 17 th 2006 Rome 16 SAFESPOT – SP1 – WP 1.3 SensorCRF CarVOLVO Truck PIAGGIO Motorcycles REGIENOV Car Laser scannerxxx Radarxxx Cameraxxx GPS systemxxxx Relative positioning communication based xxxx Navigation mapxxxx All the vehicles are supposed to be equipped with the SAFEPROBE processing unit. SAFESPOT – draft of possible on-board sensors
SAFESPOT Project Kick off Meeting February 16 th and 17 th 2006 Rome 17 SAFESPOT – SP1 – WP 1.3 CRF proposal SP1 SP4 Application layer to be agree between SP1 and SP4 Standard Interface Application HMI ADAS sensors DATA FUSION vehicle sensors COM V2V/V2 I SP3 OUTPUT data defined at logical level (data structure) OUTPUT data defined at physical level (transmission protocol, interface)
SAFESPOT Project Kick off Meeting February 16 th and 17 th 2006 Rome 18 SAFESPOT – SP1 – WP 1.3 DATA FUSION – MAIN FEATURES 1.Principal aim is to reconstruct the traffic scenario around the vehicle thanks to the data collected from homogeneous sensors. 2.Depending on the number of on-board sensors, the reconstruction will be more or less precise. 3.The data fusion algorithms have to be flexible and modular enough to be used in different kinds of vehicle using different equipment. 4.The data fusion algorithms have to based on the architecture defined by VSP inside PROFUSION 2 data-fusion architecture. 5.The following slide report the working proposal to be shared by all the involved partners.
SAFESPOT Project Kick off Meeting February 16 th and 17 th 2006 Rome 19 SAFESPOT – SP1 – WP 1.3 SP1 - WP1.3 Specification LRR/LID On-board sensors GPSCameraSRR V2V V2I External DF with Refinement Internal DF with on-board Information Maps Road Data Vehicle Data Images Position Signal Level Signals El-horizon Provider SRR Processing Ego-veh Positioning Lane Detection LRR/LID Processing El-hor Accurate Pos Lane Track Level tracks Feature Level Road Geometry Fusion Ego-state Estimation Track Level Fusion Track Level Fusion Road Geometry Ego-veh Pos. Obstacles Environment Reconstruction Fusion Level Object Level Environmental Level
SAFESPOT Project Kick off Meeting February 16 th and 17 th 2006 Rome 20 SAFESPOT – SP1 – WP 1.3 OPEN ISSUES: 1.Input from SP4: a.Requirements based on scenarios and application definition 2. Output to SP4: a.Data fusion specification 3.Definition of a common architecture 4.Definition of the common protocol interface between SP1 and SP4 5.Definition of the interface for the data flow and data exchange in terms of a.Data format b.Availability c.Accuracy d.Resolution e.Latency f.Update rate Timetabl e to be done