Capacity Building Committee Architecture and Data Committee Meeting Seattle – July 2006
Contents CB Committee Activities and Issues CB Strategy Development Questions for GEO Committee Co-chairs
CBC Activities Terms of Reference 1.To build the capacity of all GEO Members [global capacity] to access, retrieve, analyze, include into appropriate models, and interpret relevant data from global data systems. 2.To build the capacity of all GEO Members [global capacity] to integrate Earth observation data and information with data and information from other sources, improving understanding of problems in order to identify sustainable solutions. 3.Support the GEO in developing [To develop] a coordinated GEOSS capacity building strategy among GEO Members and Participating Organizations based on the principles articulated in the GEOSS 10- Year Implementation Plan Reference Document.
CBC Co-Chairs Architecture and Data Committee: João Vianei Soares (Brazil) tel: Science and Technology: Errol Levy (EC) tel: User Interface: José Marcos (Spain) tel:
CBC Activities CB Committee Meeting March 2006, Paris Reviewed Terms of Reference Addressed overall planning of 2006 activities –Implementation of GEO 2006 Work Plan –Development of a GEO CB Strategy Reviewed GEO 2006 Work Plan Task Sheets Considerations: clarity, relevance, participation & contacts, timescales & deliverables, funding priorities, links with other tasks/committees
CBC Activities 2006 Activities Implementation of 2006 WP tasks Development of a CB Strategy –CB Workshop – May (Sao Paulo) based on preliminary survey and analysis –CBC meeting – Sept (Brussels) –Review for endorsement at GEO-III Plenary meeting – Nov 2006 –Communication of strategy from start 2007 at CB Symposium (Feb in Spain) to donors and decision- makers
CB Strategy Rationale To provide principles, an overall framework and specific mechanisms for co-ordination and contributions to global EO capacity development efforts Should make clear the gains for users and contributors (including donors and decision-makers) e.g.: Access to information, resources and tools Identification of needs and priorities (better targeting of effort) Means to enhance co-ordination and synergy (and avoid unnecessary overlaps) Identification of lessons learned Publicity for existing and planned activities
CB Strategy Principles / Requirements Acknowledging and embracing the capacity development efforts of global, regional and national organisations Making clear the gains for users and contributors (including donors and decision-makers) Starting with what exists and avoiding duplication Fostering collaboration Dealing with end-to-end Earth observation needs Based on user requirements Addressing the needs of developing countries Focusing on People (institutions and education & training), Data & Tools and Infrastructure Relying on identified best practice Incorporating reviews – annual/biennial (tied to GEO Work Plans)
“LOWERING THE BARRIERS” “LIVE TOGETHER, TALK AND CONVERGE” Infrastructure Data & Tools People Institutions Education & Training ++ GEO Capacity Building Strategy
CB Strategy Timetable June-JulyFormation of writing team and reference group Drafts sections begun 4 AugDraft document distribution to reference group (Comments due by 15 Aug) 4 SeptUpdated draft document distribution to CBC SeptCBC meeting 28 SeptUpdated draft document distribution to reference group / CBC (Comments due by 4 Oct) 13 OctDistribution to GEO community NovGEO-III Plenary meeting Feb 2007GEO CB strategy symposium (Spain) Co-chair re-invitation to be involved in strategy development!
CBC Issues GEO Work Plans - definition of responsibilities and expectations. Some suggestions: –Co-chairs: overall organisation and facilitation, recruitment, cross-committee liaison, reporting to GEO Plenary (and Executive Committee) –Lead organisations: leadership, organisation and identification of resources for task implementation, cross-task liaison, reporting –Contributing organisations: task implementation and co-funding –Contributing users: advice and information on requirements, best practice etc –All: definition of overall CB Strategy and task/funding priorities, input to future work plans CB Committee participation (increasing membership and engagement, especially developing countries) Liaison and co-ordination with other committees (to develop strategy and fulfil tasks, avoiding overlap, duplication etc)
CBC Issues (continued) Liaison/co-ordination between tasks (under and outside own committee responsibility) Executive Committee guidance –Expectations for CBC participants and GEO Sec –No. of workshops, funding priorities –Identification of early success stories –outreach contributions Role in GEONetcast Outreach tasks: CBC guidance, incl. GEO Sec role as lead CBC comments on GEO Work Plan
Questions for committee co-chairs 1.How best to co-ordinate for work plan task implementation and CB strategy development (including GEONETCast)? 2.What are our issues, concerns and priorities concerning the implementation of the 2006 WP tasks? 3.Based on answers to 2. above, what changes are required to the draft WP?