Lab Coordination Meeting 9/25/13Introduction – G. Sabbi 1 Magnet Development Plan Update Overview GianLuca Sabbi LARP Lab Coordination Meeting September 25, 2013
Lab Coordination Meeting 9/25/13Introduction – G. Sabbi 2 Today’s Agenda Introduction LARP magnet systems activities Reminder of general goals for Lab coordination meeting New elements since last meeting and LARP response QXF program Updates of the overall plan and schedule Proposed adjustments in Lab work packages Infrastructure needs, upgrade plans HQ and LHQ programs in support of QXF Update of status/plans, work assignments, infrastructure needs Update/discussion on GARD contributions Organization, allocation of GARD funds AOB
Lab Coordination Meeting 9/25/13Introduction – G. Sabbi 3 LARP magnet systems activities Participation in HiLumi design study Develops HL-LHC design and sets requirements on individual components Our main interest is of course in WP 3.2 (IR quadrupoles) Close ties with WP2 (layout, AP) and WP10 (energy deposition) Development of 150 mm aperture IR Quadrupole – QXF models Design and short models (SQXF) in collaboration with CERN Long prototypes (LQXF) built/tested mainly in the US R&D in support of QXF Many topics: conductor & cable, coil fabrication, support structures, field quality, quench protection, radiation resistance, cooling etc. Need to balance desire to make improvements with project constraints Using existing platforms (HQ/LHQ) until QXF is “fully active” (production pipeline, established baseline) Construction project planning Definition of US deliverables Schedules, cost estimates, infrastructure, Lab roles/contributions
Lab Coordination Meeting 9/25/13Introduction – G. Sabbi 4 General Goals of LCC Present LARP plans to Lab management Key components (model magnets) and milestones Work packages assigned to each Lab Desired timelines, infrastructure and resource needs Get feedback from Lab management Are work packages in line with Lab’s capabilities/interests Are resources and infrastructure available when requested Discuss competing priorities for infrastructure and resources Make contingency plans in case of conflicts Update plans and track progress on a regular basis Overall plans, task assignments, schedules, expenses etc. Schedule regular meetings – optimal interval?
Lab Coordination Meeting 9/25/13Introduction – G. Sabbi 5 After 2012 review (SLAC, July 2012) DOE requested that LARP starts a process to identify, in agreement with CERN, a set of US deliverables for HL-LHC compatible with 200M$ construction funding envelope + 4 additional years of LARP at flat-flat funding (12.4M$/year) + “in kind” contributions from stronger GARD programs alignment with LARP A scope selection process was completed and presented at mid-year management briefing (DOE, February 2013). At that time additional DOE guidance was provided in particular regarding the possibility of pre-project funds starting in FY15, with no set limit, and some indication of the expected level of GARD contributions With this information a more detailed plan was developed and presented at internal review of proposed US deliverables (FNAL, June 2013) although this plan included pre-project funds doubling the LARP base in FY15, which seemed improbable Internal review plan/assumptions were also used for initial FY14 plan and budget request, and presented at the last LCC Status at the previous LCC
Lab Coordination Meeting 9/25/13Introduction – G. Sabbi 6 Recent guidance sets LARP funding for FY14 at 12.4 M$ including GARD contributions, and possibility of significant increases in FY15 looks unlikely In order to account for this scenario, we are in the process of adjusting the plan with more emphasis on short QXF models and a slower start of the long QXF models This is in part compensated by including a long mirror test, but first long quadrupole test might be delayed by about 1 year LQXF schedule is still subject to significant uncertainty pending better understanding of the FY15+ funding levels for LARP, additional discussion and coordination with CERN activities/contributions, and various technical details/options Main goal for this meeting is to present our latest plan and schedule for QXF, discuss some proposed adjustments in Lab work packages, and review infrastructure upgrade needs/plans in the areas of coil fabrication and magnet testing New elements and LARP response